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BuzzFizz. The return of FizzBuzz, new and improved?

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

I thought that I would revisit the FizzBuzz challenge from the 100 Days of SwiftUI, following on from a comment from NigelGee on another post. In that post the challenge was extended to also include numbers that contained either a 3 or a 5 or both.

So the crtiteria I set were

  1. Must still use an enum, with a rawValue extraction.
  2. Run in the range of 1 to 1000, to show what happens in the 30s, 50s, 130s, 150s, … 300s, 500s, …
  3. Be as compact as possible, whilst still being reasonable to read and understand - so no one line wonder code that does everything in one line but is really hard to read.

Whether it should be FizzBuzz or BuzzFizz doesn't really matter, but I chose BuzzFizz just to be different to the tutorial. There are blank line to help in the readability

enum BuzzFizz: String {
    case fizz
    case buzz

    var name: String { self.rawValue.capitalized }

func multipleOrContains(input: Int, check: Int, result: BuzzFizz) -> String {
    input.isMultiple(of: check) || String(input).contains(String(check)) ? : ""

for i in 1...1000 {
    var result = [String]()

    result.append(multipleOrContains(input: i, check: 3, result: .buzz))
    result.append(multipleOrContains(input: i, check: 5, result: .fizz))

    if result.allSatisfy({ $0.description == "" }) { result.append(String(i)) }

    print(Set(result).sorted(by: <).joined())


You are doing a lot of unnecessary extra work there. There's no real reason to do all that stuff with an array and then converting the array to a Set and sorting and joining.

You can achieve the same results much more simply like this:

var result: String
for i in 1...1000 {
    //concat the results of our two function calls
    result = multipleOrContains(input: i, check: 3, result: .buzz) +
             multipleOrContains(input: i, check: 5, result: .fizz)
    //so now result will either be "Buzz" or "Fizz" or "BuzzFizz" or ""

    //if result is "", we just plug in the value of i
    if result.isEmpty { result = "\(i)" }


I don't think concatenating two String results from the function calls violates your 3rd criterion, but your mileage may vary.


Yes, your solution is neater.

I love messing around with arrays, sets , .map and .filter.


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