I'm working on Project13 now, and the instructions just tell me to do this...
Before we leave Interface Builder, I'd like you to add an outlet for the image view and the slider, called respectively imageView and intensity. Please also create actions from the two buttons, calling methods changeFilter() and save(). You can leave these methods with no code inside them for now.
Finally, we want the user interface to update when the slider is dragged, so please create an action from the slider. It should give you the "Value Changed" event rather than Touch Up Inside, and that's what we want. Call the action's method intensityChanged().
I know that we have created outlets in a few projects so far, but it seems like we have done it in a different way each time. I know that Paul was just trying to show us that there are different ways that it can be done, but it makes it really hard to remember how to do it when you aren't doing it the same way each time, and have only done it each way once as an example. I don't even know which project instructions to look back at to find out how to do it.
It's not like learning SwiftUI where I can just look back at a project where we used it before and see what the code looks like, because even with the right code it doesn't work unless you have taken the proper steps in the storyboard to make it work. So, the only way to figure out how to do it again is to re-read through the entire course material until you find what you are looking for. It doesn't help that the projects in this course are all just named "ProjectX" instead of a name that hints at what the project actually is.
As far as creating actions for the buttons and slider, I don't even know what that means. Again, I'm sure it is something we have done before, but I have no idea if it is something we did in the storyboard or in code, and have no idea what project instructions to look back at to find that information. Is it simply asking me to create a couple of functions that I can link these buttons to later? Or is there some setting that must be set in the storyboard to link these buttons to those functions? There is no way of knowing unless you just know.
The "100 days of SwiftUI" was excellent, but this "100 days of Swift" course is becoming really difficult to follow along with.
Sorry, there isn't exactly a question here (unless you know exactly where I can read how to do these things) but I just wanted to vent I guess.