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SOLVED: Project 5 - tableView inserting causing crash "attempt to insert row 0 into section 0, but there are only 0 rows in section 0 after the update"

Forums > 100 Days of Swift

So I'm following through with project 5 and have followed closely until the end of the first section of part 2. When I compile and run, I run into the error "attempt to insert row 0 into section 0, but there are only 0 rows in section 0 after the update". This error occurs only after I click Submit to enter my answer so that it can be inserted at row: 0, section: 0. I have double checked my code and can not find a difference between mine and the one Paul provides.

Here is the code for my submit function

func submit(_ answer: String) {
        let lowerAnswer = answer.lowercased()

        if isPossible(word: lowerAnswer) {
            if isOriginal(word: lowerAnswer) {
                if isReal(word: lowerAnswer) {
                    usedWords.insert(answer, at: 0)

                    let indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)

                    tableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic) //the exact line that seems to be causing my crash


Here is the code for my promptForAnswer function as well, in case that is of use:

@objc func promptForAnswer() {
        let ac = UIAlertController(title: "Enter answer", message: nil, preferredStyle: .alert)

        let submitAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Submit", style: .default) { 
            [weak self, weak ac] action in 

            guard let answer = ac?.textFields?[0].text else { return }

        present(ac, animated: true)


Okay that is confusing, but can you show your tableView load data?


Yeah super confusing, to me esspecially, I'm assuming this is what you need?

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Word", for: indexPath)
        cell.textLabel?.text = usedWords[indexPath.row]
        return cell


What are you returning in numberOfRowsInSection?


To those who also may run into this problem, When adding

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return usedWords.count

I accidently pressed tab to autofill when typing in "numberOf" and it autofilled to

   override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return usedWords.count

and I hadn't noticed. This is what was causing the crash and removing this function fixed my code and is now running as it is supposed to. Thanks @roosterboy for suggesting I take a look at the numberOfRowsInSection portion of my code!


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