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SOLVED: Project 10 Basic layout failing

Forums > 100 Days of Swift

Hello, can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong - I've created the PersonCell class, linked it to storyboard, but when I build for the first time as per tutorial, my cells are too small and the label is not visible.. I've started form scratch 3 times and get the same result.

It seems like the are some differences between 5.1 and 5.2, notably that there's no manual option for the assistant editor, and that there is a new Content view in the View Collection scene...

Any help gratefully received - feel somehwat stuck!



Did you try setting Estimated Size in Interface Builder to None? You can find it when you select collection view in storyboard and then go to Size inspector


Glad it worked :-) I think this is more of a annoying bug than a feature because this used to work fine prior to Xcode 11.3 (I think).


Thank youuuuuu soooo much I've been stuck for 2 days @nemecek-filip


OMG, you're lifesaver :)) I just hate Interface Builder so much. It is automactic so much but so annoying!


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