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Day 42 - CollectionView not working

Forums > 100 Days of Swift

Hello everyone,

I am having trouble in day 42 of Hacking wth Swift... I am just starting with UICollectionView and obviously I am making some terrible mistake because what I get is what I show in the image attached. I did the all day three times and I followed each step carefully. I don't know why I don't get the same result that Paul does.

I think I have everything connected right. I also read the web page that comes with the video and I think everything is ok. Has this happened to anyone else?

I took several screenshots so you can help me try to identify this mistake:

Thank you so much.



Hey buddy,

I'm taking on Day 42 today, I'll let you know if I have the same issue. It might have something to do with the outdated version of Xcode Paul is using in the videos. Stay tuned and don't worry!


Hey! Thank you so much for your help.

Please let me know when you have something.

Best, Tomás


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Hi! Could you describe what exactly does not work and ideally post code where you think the issue is?

Also you can upload those images for sites like and post link or post them inline so others dont have to add your folder to their iCloud to see the images :-) Thanks


Hello! Thank you for your reply. The problem is not specifically with the code, I think. It does not work since video one where we only work with interface builder. I am not being able to produce the same results as Paul - creating the custom cells.

It is really strange I don't know why it does not work.

Can you spot any mistake I may have made?



I dont see any obvious problems. If you have Xcode 11.4 I would try selecting the collection view in interface builder and setting estimated cell size to "None".


Exactly, the only thing you have to do is to change the 'Estimate Size' to none:

Have a nice day!


This used not to be a case prior Xcode 11.4. I had perfectly working collection view which 11.4 broke and setting the estimate size fixed it,


Thank you for your help!!! I did it! :D



I had the same issue, and this resolved it for me as well. Thanks everyone!


I had the same issue!

Thank you ;)



Thanks so much, was having the same issue and even posted it on the forum but yay this saves me from debugging for hours gahaha 😅😂


Thanks everyone!! I'm so glad I found this!! Was having the same issue and not having any clue on how to fix it.


Thank you for all of you here. I am so happy to fix it. It must change the collection view inspector of Estimate size must be NONE!


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