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SOLVED: Day 19 (Designing your layout)

Forums > 100 Days of Swift

I followed the tutorial but i have some difference

gray space at the top , space betwwen photo and border


is that because i use IOS 15.2 and tutorial use 12.2 ?



No this is not because of version and without seeing your code can only guess why.


I could remove button white space by change button attributes

type : system -> custom

style : plain -> default

but i could't solve gray space

the project link


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Abdallah. Just a question of curiosity.....

Why are you taking the UIKit path, rather than the SwiftUI path?

Perhaps it's a job requirement, or some other factor?

I am just curious.


SwiftUI rarely used here.

so i decide to learn UIKit.

but when i become good at UIKit ,I will learn SwiftUI.


Can you upload your project to github then we can "fork" it from there rather then the Google Drive?


sure i will do that


sorry to be late ,this first time for me to upload project so excuse me if i did something wrong



No this is not because of version and without seeing your code can only guess why.


@AbdallahYasser Which of those two screenshots is yours?



this is the project link



the one on the right


The missing navigation header is due to using iOS 15, which uses a different style than previous iOS versions. It has a transparent navigation bar until you scroll the content, at which time you will see something more like what's in the left picture. But since your storyboard doesn't contain a UIScrollView, you won't be able to scroll so you'll never see that bar.

I'm not sure about the space between the images and their borders. Will get back to you on that.



I could remove button white space by change button attributes

type : system -> custom

style : plain -> default


Thank you all for helping me


Hacking with Swift is sponsored by RevenueCat.

SPONSORED Take the pain out of configuring and testing your paywalls. RevenueCat's Paywalls allow you to remotely configure your entire paywall view without any code changes or app updates.

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