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DAY 47

Milestone: Projects 7-9

Congratulations on making it through another three projects! You’re probably feeling tired after our navigation technique project, but both today and tomorrow should be a good change of pace – today is a consolidation day, and tomorrow is something a little bit different.

Today’s challenge is an interesting one, and honestly it has such a big potential to be developed into a larger app if you have the time. Days like today are important because they give you an idea that is wholly within your grasp, and give you the time and scope to execute on it. Hopefully you make the most of that – as the astronaut Mae Jemison once said, “I like to think of ideas as potential energy: they're really wonderful, but nothing will happen until we risk putting them into action.”

So, today is an action day: you’ve got lots of coding ahead, plus the potential for more if you want to take the project further. Let’s get into it!

Today you have three topics to work through, one of which of is your challenge.

Note: Don’t worry if you don’t complete challenges in the day they were assigned – in future days you’ll find you have some time to spare here and there, so challenges are something you can return back to in the future.

How can this day be improved?

Great job on finishing another day! If you still have questions about what you learned, please send them in using this form – I'll do my best to address the most common problems in the next course update. Thank you!

Now share your progress…

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Alternatively, copy and paste the text below to your preferred social network - I'm @twostraws on Mastodon.social, Bluesky, and Threads.

🎉 I just finished Day 47 of the #100DaysOfSwiftUI at https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/swiftui/47 via @twostraws

Need help? Tweet me @twostraws!


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100 Days of SwiftUI

The 100 Days of SwiftUI is a free collection of videos, tutorials, tests, and more to help you learn SwiftUI faster. Click here to learn more, or watch the video below.

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