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Is Hacking with macOS an ebook, a video course or both?

Forums > Books

Good morning (o;

Just started few days ago getting my feet wet coding in I am looking for learning resources, may it be ebooks, online video or both...

Now when I look at the Hacking with macOS page it mentions an ebook, other sites reference this as a video training material.... so what is actually included with the ebook?

Looking at the 24 pages sample I don't see any explaining pictures at all....

thanks in advance richard


I would recommend if you are just starting with SwiftUI to do 100 days of SwiftUI, as you will learn a lot of the basic of SwiftUI that will apply in macOS, unless you want to just build for macOS then Paul has just recently update Hacking with macOS.


Good morning

Well will take the 100 days course anyway (o;

But still: Are there any pictures in the "Hacking with macOS" ebook as I don't see anything in the 24-page sample for SwiftUI, only in the AppKit version.

thanks in advance richard


@twostraws  Site AdminHWS+

It's just a book, and right now there are no screenshots. There are a handful more projects I want to add to the book, and once those are done I'll be adding a great many screenshots too.


Hello Paul

Thanks for the clarifications :-)

BTW: Should I get an email when a reply is posted in the forum? Don't see a profile setting. And if so, what's the originating MTA or ISP?

And how is it when I have a different email address for github and gumroad? Sorry..didn't find a general subfoum here to ask this.

thanks in advance richard


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