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Sponsor Hacking with Swift

Hacking with Swift is the world's largest site for Swift developers. Every month we deliver over 6 million page views to 750,000 unique visitors, plus 48,000 hours of YouTube watch time, 40,000 newsletter subscribers, and more.

We are unashamedly excited about building great software for Apple's platforms, and readers value our authentic, real-world advice and hands-on tutorials.

Why advertise with us?

Hacking with Swift started in 2014, and has been providing a comprehensive series of news, tips, tutorials, and more ever since. Paul Hudson personally writes all articles and records all videos, guaranteeing a consistent quality and voice – readers know our articles are based on real-world examples, and trust that our solutions will work for them.

To keep things simple, we have only one advertising package, and it includes all the following:

  • Your ad placement on all content pages – over 6 million views a month! – including your logo and action button.
  • You can provide up to three ad variants to have them automatically rotated on the site.
  • An on-air thank you in some videos published by Paul during the sponsorship, reaching 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. (Note: This is done on a case-by-case basis with prior arrangement.)
  • Inclusion in that month's newsletter, reaching 40,000 readers.
  • A thank you tweet from Paul to his 84,000 followers.

Plus you're guaranteed a personal service – if you have questions, suggestions, or need something special, you can send an email to and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. We don't use ad networks, agencies, or other middlemen – readers trust Hacking with Swift because we're a community-focused site that delivers reliable, high-quality content every time.

Best of all, the cost is just $1500 a week for everything – that includes the main site, YouTube, Twitter, and the newsletter.

So, if you want to reach the widest range of professional iOS developers while also showing your support for the world's largest Swift community, you should get in touch and let us help you.

Advertise on Hacking with Swift today

The Hacking with Swift advantage

There are lots of Swift-focused websites out there, and we're really proud to be part of such an exciting, thriving community. Every site does things its own way, and here's what we think makes Hacking with Swift special:

  • We reach huge audiences on the web, on YouTube, and by newsletter, helping get your message out to the broadest range of developers.
  • We believe in building our community – we sponsor diversity tickets at conferences, run community mentoring programs, and have raised over $100,000 for charity.
  • We have organic search authority – hundreds of our pages are ranked #1 by Google because users trust the brand and click through to our articles.
  • We constantly update old articles to reflect new syntax and API because Swift changes quickly, which means readers know everything they read here is still valid today.
  • We run the independent Swift Community Awards where tens of thousands of users vote for their favorite tools and projects every year.
  • Our site is delivered from a worldwide CDN spanning 270 cities in more than 100 countries, ensuring our pages load lightning fast from Hawaii to Tokyo and beyond.

We work to make sure your advert looks as good as it can, so we'll help you write your advert to maximize engagement. You can also provide light and dark versions of your logo to make sure it adapts to visitors' system settings, customize the text on the action button, and more.

We're also proud to promote other amazing Swift websites out there – you should check out sponsoring iOS Dev Weekly, Antoine van der Lee, Jordan Morgan, Sarun Wongpatcharapakorn, and Majid Jabrayilov.

Let us help you

Previous sponsors

Here's just a selection of the companies who have sponsored Hacking with Swift:

About our audience

Hacking with Swift is the largest website focused entirely on Swift developers, reaching over 750,000 unique visitors every month on the web, plus many more on YouTube, on Twitter, by newsletter, and more.

Our audience is:

  • Primarily based in the US, but Germany, the UK, and Canada are also particularly large markets.
  • Either already working as a professional iOS developer or working towards that goal.
  • Highly engaged in building and shipping apps for Apple's platforms using the best tools available.

Our readers include companies such as Airbnb, Amazon, Apple, eBay, GitHub, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, and more – if that's the kind of audience you want to reach, let us help you.

Note: Hacking with Swift+ subscribers do not see adverts on the site, but as they represent fewer than 0.2% of page views this will not affect your numbers.

Get in touch


Our approach to pricing is simple: we have one flat weekly rate that covers exclusive sponsorship on the site and any videos made that week.

You aren't placed alongside other sponsors or run in a rotation – you're the exclusive sponsor for each week. Plus, your sponsorship also includes a thank you tweet from Paul and inclusion in our monthly newsletter, helping extend your reach even further.

One week of Hacking with Swift sponsorship is just $1500.

You can book individual weeks, or block book a month or more to coincide with other marketing events you're running – get in touch and we can send you the latest availability details.

So, if you're looking to help folks discover your product or service, want to raise brand awareness, or just want to help support the largest Swift community in the world, please get in touch!

Send us an email


Q: Can I just advertise in the newsletter, and not the website/YouTube/etc?

No; I prefer to bundle everything into one flat rate to keep things simple for everyone.

Q: What assets do you need from me?

The absolute least we need is a logo as an SVG, your advert text, and a link to send folks to. We would recommend you also provide button text, e.g. "Find out more" or "Download on the App Store", and if appropriate also a second version of your logo that works in dark mode if your first SVG doesn't work well on a dark background.

Q: Can I send you multiple advert variants?

Yes! You can send up to three different adverts and they will be rotated randomly by the site. Each of the three can have different text, button text, and link, so you can see which text works better.

Q: Where will my adverts appear?

We place adverts on all primary content pages: every article, every knowledge base entry, all quick start pages, all 100 Days of Swift and 100 Days of SwiftUI pages, all forum posts, and a selection of YouTube videos. Adverts usually appear at the bottom of the page after the reader has finished reading, but in articles they will also appear before the first heading, and in forum posts they will also appear after the third message in long posts.

Q: Are there any places adverts won't appear?

There are three exceptions: pages that don't contain content, such as index pages or test questions; any videos that are part of a large series such as Hacking with iOS; and any pages served to Hacking with Swift+ subscribers who have disabled adverts.

Q: Can I pay to have you write content about my company?

I'm afraid that's not an option.

Thank you!

We believe everyone should be able to reach their goals with app development, we want to promote and support a diverse range of voices within our community, and we want to provide a reliable, trusted source of news, tutorials, and example code that help build up everyone.

With your help we can carry on this work and continue to help support this amazing community – thank you!

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