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UITesting Lists: How to set accessibilityIdentifier for onDelete swipe button?

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm trying to test my internationalized app in all locales. Testing the delete function from a List like


obviously only works when in English / Default language.

The List is defined as follows

List {
    ForEach(items) { item in
    .onDelete(perform: deleteItems)

With that, there's no delete-button explicitly defined (same as with the navigation bar's back-button). I couldn't figure out how to add an accessibilityIdentifer so my tests are language agnostic. (I'm usually adding a .accessibilityIdentifier("AddButton") in order to reference it properly in the tests)

So how to set this identifier? Or if it's not possible, what's a feasible way to test it properly?

BTW: I'm using

let navigationBar = app.navigationBars.element(boundBy: 0)
let backButton = navigationBars.buttons.element(boundBy: 0)

already to mitigate the same problem with the back-button and the fact that I can't set an identifier solely to a navigationBar (without setting this accessibilityIdentifier to all elements inside). However using app.buttons.element(boundBy: app.buttons.count - 1) doesn't only look ugly, it may also be wrong (delete button doesn't necessarily have to be the last button).

PS: Why do I see 1 Reply in the list when there's actually no reply visible?


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