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SOLVED: SwiftData & CloudKit

Forums > SwiftUI

I am creating an app and starting to try out SwiftData for the first time in a app. I am going to post code so that y'all have has much info as possible.

First Question: I am under the impression that if a model has a relationship to another model and that model has a relationship to another model you only need to include the first model in the container, not totally clear on that. I would like some clarification on that as well.

Second Question I have my app setup for CloudKit and I get the following error when running: Thread 1: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError(_error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError._Error.loadIssueModelContainer)

If I turn off CloudKit under capabilities my app launches just fine. Heres my setup: I would like to know what I'm doing wrong.

Any anwsers to my 2 questions would be most appreciated.


class ContactModel {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var anniversary: Date = Date.distantPast
    var birthDay: Date = Date.distantPast
    var firstName: String = ""
    var lastName: String = ""
    var streetAddress: String = ""
    var city: String = ""
    var state: String = ""
    var postalCode: String = ""
    var country: String = ""
    var isoCountryCode: String = ""
    var uniqueIDKey: String = ""
    @Attribute(.externalStorage) var image: Data? = nil

    // MARK: - Relationships
    @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \
    var events: [EventModel]?

    @Relationship(deleteRule: .nullify)
    var crowd: CrowdModel?

        anniversary: Date,
        birthDay: Date,
        firstName: String,
        lastName: String,
        streetAddress: String,
        city: String,
        state: String,
        postalCode: String,
        country: String,
        isoCountryCode: String,
        uniqueIDKey: String,
        image: Data? = nil,
        events: [EventModel]? = nil,
        crowd: CrowdModel? = nil
    ) {
        self.anniversary = anniversary
        self.birthDay = birthDay
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName
        self.streetAddress = streetAddress = city
        self.state = state
        self.postalCode = postalCode = country
        self.isoCountryCode = isoCountryCode
        self.uniqueIDKey = uniqueIDKey
        self.image = image = events
        self.crowd = crowd

class CrowdModel {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var name: String = ""

    // MARK: - Relationships
    @Relationship(deleteRule: .nullify, inverse: \ContactModel.crowd)
    var contacts: [ContactModel]?

    init(name: String, contacts: [ContactModel]? = nil) { = name
        self.contacts = contacts

class EventModel {
    var name: String = ""
    var date: Date = Date.distantPast
    var eventType: Int32 = 0
    var notes: String = ""

    // MARK: - Relationships
    @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \ReminderModel.event)
    var reminders: [ReminderModel]?

    @Relationship(deleteRule: .nullify)
    var contact: ContactModel?

    init(name: String, date: Date, eventType: Int32, notes: String, reminders: [ReminderModel]? = nil, contact: ContactModel? = nil) { = name = date
        self.eventType = eventType
        self.notes = notes
        self.reminders = reminders = contact

class ReminderModel {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var howManyDaysFrom: String = ""
    var date: Date = Date.distantPast
    var reminderID: String = ""

    // MARK: - Relationships
    @Relationship(deleteRule: .nullify)
    var event: EventModel?

    init(howManyDaysFrom: String, date: Date, reminderID: String, event: EventModel? = nil) {
        self.howManyDaysFrom = howManyDaysFrom = date
        self.reminderID = reminderID
        self.event = event

**App Setup**

struct EventPlannerApp: App {
    // MARK: - Environment
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    @Environment(\.modelContext) var mc

    // MARK: - SwiftData
    let container: ModelContainer

    init() {
        let schema = Schema([ContactModel.self, CrowdModel.self, EventModel.self, ReminderModel.self])
        let config = ModelConfiguration("EventPlanner", schema: schema)
        do {
            container = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: config)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Couldn't load or configure container")

    // MARK: - State
    @State var jsonData = LoadJSONData()
    @State var contactStore = ContactStore()

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .onAppear {
                    // This suppresses constraint warnings
                    UserDefaults.standard.setValue(false, forKey: "_UIConstraintBasedLayoutLogUnsatisfiable")
                .defaultAppStorage(UserDefaults(suiteName: AC.appGroup.rawValue)!)
        .onChange(of: scenePhase) {
            switch scenePhase {
                case .background:
                    #warning("Add code to save database and delete break statement")
                case .active, .inactive:
                @unknown default:
                    fatalError("fatal error for .onChange(of: scenePhase) modifier")


Ok, I figured it out. The problem was in the following code: I was using @Environment(\.modelContext) var mc before the container had been initialized.

I would still love to know more information on my first question:

First Question: I am under the impression that if a model has a relationship to another model and that model has a relationship to another model you only need to include the first model in the container, not totally clear on that. I would like some clarification on that as well.


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