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Drag Drop Table row using Transferable?

Forums > SwiftUI

I have not found an example where drag and drop can be used to "move" a Table row using the newer Transferable protocol. Anyone have some sample code? If not doable, is this coming to Table in the future?

Essentially, dnd is a gesture to reassign a property value which results in a refiguring of the Table. I have a Table of hierarchical SwiftData objects and want the user to be able to "drop" the row between children in a new family or on a row, thus triggering an update to the parent property.


Based on the sparse examples I have found, I thought this would work but it does not compile:

   of: Account.self,
   selection: $selection,
   sortOrder: $sortOrder,
   columnCustomization: $columnCustomization
   accountNameTableColumn() // this is a TableColumn
rows: {
   .draggable {
   .dropDestination(for: Account.self) { items, location in
     for item in items {
          print("item: ", item)
          print("location: ", location)

Still looking for working example code and insights. Thanks.


Making some progress, thanks in part to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsXqJKm4l-U&t=1100s (Using Xcode 15.3, coding an exclusively MacOS app)

In my .app file:

extension UTType {
  static var account: UTType = UTType(exportedAs: "com.....account")

where com.....account is an Exported Type Identifier specified in the project Info tab

In my object file we add conformance with Transferable (it's already in conformance with Codable):

extension Account: Transferable {
  static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
    CodableRepresentation(contentType: .account)

then in the view with the Table:

        .dropDestination(for: Account.self) { droppedAccounts in
//      for droppedAccount in droppedAccounts {
// do things like change parent
//      }

The rows are draggable. A row highlights when targeted as a destination. The app hangs with no errors on drop. Drag and Drop to nowhere is tolerated (dragged item snaps back).

In the TableRowContent documentation example there is .itemProvider { account.itemProvider } TableRow modifier but Xcode won't compile with that line; maybe that's not applicable to SwiftData objects and perhaps there is some newer syntax I should use as that requires an NSItemProvider?

In the Sean Allen example noted above there is also a "return true", which also stops compilation when I add it.

Aside, I had to remove one of the return values from .dropDestination and I'm guessing that should be "destination"--a place on screen--and not the set of dropped items.

So half-way there. Why does the drop not exit gracefully (there's nothing to do yet, a print() statement is never reached before the hang). What am I missing?


Despite thinking I've made my whole SwiftData object Transferable and expecting that to be adequate I've resorted to passing a String instead of my object.

.dropDestination(for: String.self) { droppedIDstrings in
  for droppedIDstring in droppedIDstrings {
    print("droppedIDstring: ", droppedIDstring)
    print("UUID: ",  UUID(uuidString: droppedIDstring))

Still only one returned argument, adding true to return or adding isTargeted:{} prevented compliation.

Since my objects all have unique names it's simpler to drop a set of names.

.dropDestination(for: String.self) { droppedNames in
  for droppedName in droppedNames {
    if let droppedObject = someObjects.first(where: {$0.name == droppedName}) {
... // use droppedObject and object as needed

Since I use this dropDestination modifier several times I have tried but failed to abstract this code. While in a struct as described in https://www.hackingwithswift.com/books/ios-swiftui/custom-modifiers compiler wants the usual two return arguments and "return true". Probably needs to be a specific TableRow return view.

 struct DropableTableRowModifier: ViewModifier {
    let object: Object: 
    let someObjects: [Object] 

  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
      .dropDestination(for: String.self) { object Names in


Unless you want to stick with Transferable as a learning experience, a simpler solution would be to iterate the rows within a ForEach, to which you apply the onMove modifier to support dragging rows.

In this tutorial, you can append .onMove() to any of the ForEach's: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-create-multi-column-lists-using-table


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