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- BEST VALUE Buy the Everything Pack for $250 (More info) This bundle includes all books I've ever published: Hacking with iOS, Hacking with macOS, Hacking with tvOS, Hacking with watchOS, Pro Swift, Pro SwiftUI, SwiftUI by Example, Swift Concurrency by Example, SwiftData by Example, Swift Interview Challenges, and more – all at an unbeatable price!
- Buy the Swift Power Pack for $75 (More info) This bundle includes Hacking with iOS, Pro Swift, Swift Interview Challenges, Swift for Complete Beginners, Understanding Swift, Objective-C for Swift Developers, and Beyond Code at a discounted price.
- Buy the Swift Platform Pack for $100 (More info) This bundle includes Pro SwiftUI, Hacking with macOS, Hacking with watchOS, Hacking with tvOS, Server-Side Swift, and Advanced iOS Volume Two at a discounted price.
- Buy the Swift Plus Pack for $75 (More info) This bundle includes Swift Design Patterns, Testing Swift, SwiftUI by Example, Swift Concurrency by Example, Advanced iOS: Volume Three, Dive Into SpriteKit, and Swift on Sundays: Volume One.
Hacking with Swift+ subscriptions
NEW Take out a 2-year subscription to Hacking with Swift+ and get instant access to my all-new Swift Career Accelerator curriculum! Learn more here.
Hacking with Swift+ is my subscription service offering high-quality Swift tutorials as videos and articles, including my massive Ultimate Portfolio App course, the all-new course teaching you how to create the incredible iOS Weather app, monthly livestreams, plus lots of other exclusive benefits.
A monthly subscription costs $20/month, but if you subscribe for 1 or 2 years the prie is lower than paying monthly – build your skills for less!
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- Buy Pro Swift for $25 (More info) Upgrade your Swift using powerful, modern technologies such as functional programming, protocol-oriented programming, lazy variables, enum associated values, operator overloading and more – all taught in this book and video course.
- Buy Pro SwiftUI for $25 (More info) Unleash SwiftUI's potential and build smarter, faster apps, then learn how to build incredible animations, transitions, layouts, and more. Includes over seven hours of videos to accompany the book!
- Buy SwiftData by Example for $15 (More info) Get to grips with Apple's powerful data management framework, with over a hundred common problems solved – build complex apps and widgets, sync with iCloud, handle migrations, and more.
- Buy Hacking with macOS for $25 (More info) Whether you have existing iOS skills or you're starting fresh, you can learn macOS coding by building real-world projects with Swift and Xcode – all you need is in this course.
- Buy Swift Design Patterns for $25 (More info) Learn smart, idiomatic techniques to design great Swift apps, from using MVC effectively through to MVVM, delegation, protocols, and more. Drawing examples from Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and other key Apple frameworks, you'll learn how to design elegant apps that are easier to read, easier to scale, and easier to test.
- Buy Testing Swift for $20 (More info) If you're serious about writing great code, you need to be serious about writing great tests. In this book you'll learn how unit tests, UI tests, and more combine to help you work faster and with more confidence.
- Buy Hacking with watchOS for $25 (More info) watchOS powers Apple's tiniest devices, but users take their watches everywhere they go – even in endurance sports. This book teaches you everything you need to know about SwiftUI for watchOS using practical, real-world projects!
- Buy SwiftUI by Example for $10 (More info) As the world's largest collection of SwiftUI tips, tricks, and techniques, SwiftUI by Example will help you build great apps with SwiftUI fast.
- Buy Swift Concurrency by Example for $15 (More info) There is no faster way to get to grips with Swift's powerful concurrency tools than this book, which is packed with examples, tips, and techniques to get you moving fast.
- Buy Hacking with iOS for $20 (More info) This is my best-selling course, teaching you iOS development using SwiftUI and UIKit using complete projects. You can follow the SwiftUI curriculum with 19 complete projects, or the UIKit curriculum with 39 complete project – either way you get thousands of pages of reading plus 50 hours of HD video, and more bonus content!
Improve your skills
- Buy Swift Interview Challenges for $25 (More info) Never fear a coding interview again: Swift Interview Challenges sets you the task of solving the most common questions you'll be asked at coding intervews. You get hints in case you get stuck, then complete solutions so you can compare your results.
- Buy Understanding Swift for $10 (More info) If you're keen to understand why Swift works the way it does, this is the book for you – almost 100 of the most common questions about using Swift get answered in depth right here.
Develop for all platforms
- Buy Hacking with macOS for $25 (More info) Whether you have existing iOS skills or you're starting fresh, you can learn macOS coding by building real-world projects with Swift and Xcode – all you need is in this course.
- Buy Hacking with watchOS for $20 (More info) watchOS powers Apple's tiniest devices, but users take their watches everywhere they go – even in endurance sports. This book teaches you everything you need to know about SwiftUI for watchOS using practical, real-world projects!
- Buy Hacking with tvOS for $20 (More info) tvOS lets you build apps and games for the biggest device of all: your user's television. In this book you'll build 12 real-world projects that teach you apps, games, focus, theming, and more!
- Buy Dive Into SpriteKit for $20 (More info) There are lots of SpriteKit books out there, but Dive Into SpriteKit is the first to introduce a new teaching approach that puts your choices right into the games you make.
Complete your collection
- Swift on Sundays: Volume One for $20 (More info) This book brings together the first 20 projects from my Swift on Sundays series, with each one walking you through building a complete app from scratch. iOS, macOS, watchOS, and even Vapor are covered!
- Buy Swift for Complete Beginners for $10 (More info) The most comprehensive introduction to Swift programming you can find, with over 200 pages and 70 in-depth videos explaining all the core concepts in clear, practical terms so you can start coding immediately.
- Buy Swift in Sixty Seconds for $5 (More info) Want to get started with Swift, but find yourself short on time? This is the course for you. Learn Swift in almost a hundred one-minute videos, each teaching one concept with no waffle – and all written for Swift 5.6.
- Buy Objective-C for Swift Developers for $15 (More info) Swift is a powerful, modern programming language that will continue to grow over the years ahead. But with hundreds of thousands of existing apps written in Objective-C, many companies still require their developers to be able to read, write, and maintain both Swift and Objective-C.
- Buy Beyond Code for $20 (More info) When you want to go from "part-time hacker" to serious software engineer, there are a ton of extra skills that will help you work smarter, deliver software faster, and take your career to the next level.
Frequently asked questions
Q: How does the Hacking with Swift+ discount work?
Hacking with Swift+ is my subscription service offering high-quality Swift tutorials as videos and articles. If you want to subscribe it costs $20 per month, but subscribing for 1 or 2 years gets you costs less than you would pay by subscribing monthly for that length.
Q: I bought some books already – can I upgrade to the bundle?
Normally I'm happy to upgrade readers to a bundle by discounting whatever they paid for the individual books, but this offer is not available during sales.
Q: Can I use the discount to buy books for my team?
Yep! When you select any book, just change the Quantity to whatever number you want – you'll save up to 50% on each copy, so it adds up to some big savings!
Q: Are books bought in the sale covered your lifetime Swift upgrade policy?
Yes! You get free Swift updates for the lifetime of every book you buy, during a sale or outside a sale – please see here for details.
Q: Are books bought in the sale entitled to Frequent Flyer Club bonus content?
Yes! You get the same benefits of my Swift Frequent Flyer Club regardless of when you buy books. This scheme gives you bonus content as my way of thanking you for choosing my books.