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iOS Developer Interview Questions

What does the assert() function do?

Suggested approach: This evaluates some code and causes your app to crash if the result is false. This is actually helpful because the check only happens in debug mode – it lets you make sure your code does what you think it does.

For bonus points, give practical examples of where you’re using it in your current code.

  Estimated difficulty: Easy

See the full list of iOS interview questions

Important notes

  • There are over 150 interview questions in the system. Once you've read the question and come up with a suitable answer, try reading my suggested approach and see if it helps you add more detail.
  • These questions are not designed to be hard; a good interviewer is more interested in generating discussion that lets your ability and interests shine through.
  • If you answer a question with "yes" or "no" you've missed the point – interviewers prefer you to provide reasoning, explanation, or detail, so try to elaborate with examples!
  • If you're looking for detailed technical questions about the language, you should try my Swift tests instead – there are multiple challenges that will work your brain hard.
  • For a whole series of coding challenges for job interviews, I wrote the perfect book for you: Swift Interview Challenges.

Related questions

See the full list of iOS interview questions

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