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SOLVED: Trying to get two barmarks on a single chart. Help! :)

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Hi! I've been messing with this for a couple of hours with no progress. Basically I want a barmark chart with two bars on the X axis comparing 'visits' and 'revenue'. But I get a single barmark with both Visits and Revenue. What am I doing wrong here?

//  chartsLarge.swift

import SwiftUI
import Charts

struct Item: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let month: String
    let revenue: Int
    let visits: Int

var myItems = [Item]()
struct largeRevenueVisitsChart: View {

    let items:  [Item] = [
                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[12],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[12]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[12])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[11],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[11]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[11])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[10],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[10]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[10])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[9],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[9]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[9])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[8],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[8]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[8])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[7],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[7]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[7])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[6],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[6]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[6])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[5],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[5]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[5])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[4],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[4]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[4])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[3],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[3]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[3])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[2],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[2]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[2])),

                Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[1],
                revenue: Int(eAData.eaRevenue[1]),
                visits: Int(eAData.eaVisits[1]))

    let currencyDisplay = Locale.current.currencySymbol
    let gradient = Gradient(colors: [.black, .pink])

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack() {
                GroupBox (" Revenue & Visits") {
                Chart {
                    // Revenue chart
                    ForEach(items) { items in
                        let itemsRevenueCurrency = ("\(String(describing: currencyDisplay!))")
                        let itemsRevenueValue = ("\(items.revenue)")
                        let formattedRevenueValue = itemsRevenueCurrency + itemsRevenueValue
                            x: .value("Revenue", items.revenue),
                            y: .value("Month", items.month)
                                colors: [.mint, .green],
                                startPoint: .topTrailing,
                                endPoint: .topLeading

                        // Visits chart
                            x: .value("Visits", items.visits),
                            y: .value("Month", items.month)
                        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Visits", "Month"))

                          //  .foregroundStyle(Color.purple)
                            .annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .trailing) {
                             Text("  \(items.visits, format: .number.precision(.fractionLength(0)))")
                                        .font(.system(size: 13, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))

                            .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 5))


SOLVED. Below code to do this. I have a follow up question, i'll create a new topic for this.

import SwiftUI
import Charts

struct Item: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let month: String
    let revenue: Int
    let visits: Int

var myItems = [Item]()
struct largeRevenueVisitsChart: View {

    let currencyDisplay = Locale.current.currencySymbol

    var body: some View {

        let items:[Item] = [
                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[12],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[12],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[12]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[11],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[11],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[11]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[10],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[10],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[10]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[9],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[9],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[9]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[8],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[8],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[8]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[7],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[7],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[7]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[6],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[6],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[6]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[5],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[5],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[5]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[4],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[4],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[4]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[3],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[3],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[3]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[2],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[2],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[2]),

                  Item( month: eAData.eaMonthName[1],
                  revenue: eAData.eaRevenue[1],
                  visits: eAData.eaVisits[1])

        let stepData = [
            (period: "Revenue", data: items.map { (month: $0.month, value: $0.revenue) }),
            (period: "Visits", data: items.map { (month: $0.month, value: $0.visits) })

        NavigationView {
            VStack() {
                GroupBox ("Monthly Revenue & Visits") {
                    Chart (stepData, id: \.period) { steps in
                        ForEach(steps.data, id: \.self.month) {
                                x: .value("Visits", $0.value),
                                y: .value("Month", $0.month),
                                width: 15
                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Value", steps.period))
                            .position(by: .value("Month", steps.period))
                        "Revenue" : Color(.green),
                        "Visits": Color(.purple)])

                    .chartLegend(position: .top, alignment: .bottomTrailing)


@Obelix . Apologies, I wasnt aware. All done!


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