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Static member 'currency' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'SomeProtocol.Type'

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi guys, I will give you some context first. I'm trying to make a function that takes as a parameter any type that conforms to a protocol (SomeProtocol). So, I created a struct with static method called currency and this struct conforms to SomeProtocol, but, I'm getting this error when trying to pass the method as argument for that generic function: "Static member 'currency' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'SomeProtocol.Type'".

I'm just trying to recreate this SwiftUI code:

Text(20.0, format: .currency(code: Locale.current.currency?.identifier ?? "USD"))

Reading the documentation, the function from above is a generic init() that takes a generic type that conforms to some protocols.

init<F>(_ input: F.FormatInput, format: F) where F : FormatStyle, F.FormatInput : Equatable, F.FormatOutput == String

So, .currency() is a static method that comes from FloatingPointFormatStyle.Currency, a struct that conforms to FormatStyle.

My question is, why is this working in SwiftUI (passing a static method from a struct that conforms to a protocol as an argument to a function that accepts any type that conforms to that protocol) but is not in my own example:

protocol SomeProtocol {
    associatedtype SomeType: SomeProtocol
    var a: String { get }
    var b: String { get }
    static func currency(x: Int) -> SomeType

func someTest<T>(x: T) -> String where T: SomeProtocol{
    return "this works!"

struct AnotherType: SomeProtocol {
    let a = "Test"
    let b = "someTest"

    static func currency(x: Int) -> AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

someTest(x: .currency(x: 20))



This is a static method so it can be used only on Type level, and not as instance.

 static func currency(x: Int) -> AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

so it will work like this.

someTest(x: AnotherType.currency(x: 20))


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