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SOLVED: Selected List

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Good morning all,

I am trying to create a selectable list much like the iTunes Store app when you tap Genres in the nav bar at the top a sheet comes up that shows a list of Genres to select from and a checkmark to the right on the selected row. I am just at a loss on how to get the checkmark on the row.

List(selection: $selectedTopicData) {
    ForEach(listOfTopics, id: \.self) { topic in
        HStack {
                .textViewModifier(for: .body, weight: .regular, color: .primary)
        .onTapGesture {
            selectedTopicData = topic
            let _ = print("TopicData: \(String(describing: selectedTopicData))")

If anyone has any ideas on how to add a checkmark that would be great.

Thanks Taz


Hi, have you tried to add property to your topic var selected = false? Then in .onTapGesture you can switch it to be true. And as a result in your HStack you can check if that property is true and assign it a checkmark.

Something like that:

HStack {
                .textViewModifier(for: .body, weight: .regular, color: .primary)
            if topic.selected {
              Image(systemName: "checkmark")


I assume you mean a Menu Do this little project.

enum of the genres (including All), Note that it CaseIterable

enum Genre: String, CaseIterable {
    case all, house, jazz, rock

A Mock struct

struct Music: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let title: String
    let artist: String
    let genre: Genre

and now for View

struct ContentView: View {
    // MOCK DATA
    let allMusic = [
        Music(title: "Song 1", artist: "Artist 1", genre: .house),
        Music(title: "Song 2", artist: "Artist 1", genre: .house),
        Music(title: "Song 3", artist: "Artist 1", genre: .jazz),
        Music(title: "Song 4", artist: "Artist 2", genre: .jazz),
        Music(title: "Song 5", artist: "Artist 2", genre: .jazz),
        Music(title: "Song 6", artist: "Artist 2", genre: .rock),
        Music(title: "Song 7", artist: "Artist 3", genre: .rock),
        Music(title: "Song 8", artist: "Artist 3", genre: .rock),
        Music(title: "Song 8", artist: "Artist 3", genre: .rock),

    // A property to store the selected Genre
    @State private var selectedGenre = Genre.all

    // A computed property to filter the selected genre
    var filteredMusic: [Music] {
        if selectedGenre != .all {
            return allMusic.filter { $0.genre == selectedGenre }

        return allMusic

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            List {
                ForEach(filteredMusic) { music in
                    HStack {
                        VStack {


            .navigationTitle("Music Library")
            .toolbar { // tool bar in navigation bar with a picker to select genre
                ToolbarItem {
                    Menu {
                        Picker("Genre", selection: $selectedGenre) {
                            ForEach(Genre.allCases, id: \.self) {
                    } label: {
                        Label("Genre", systemImage: "ellipsis.circle")



Thanks so much for the reply. Sometimes the simplest solution is the hardest to figure out, LOL. At least for me, I tend to overthink the problem. So I did this using UserDefaults. I wanted a simple way to persist the choice if still on the tab. I ended up with this:

@AppStorage(StorageKeys.topicSelected.rawValue) var topicSelected = ""
List(selection: $selectedTopicData) {
    ForEach(listOfTopics, id: \.self) { topic in
        HStack {
                .textViewModifier(for: .body, weight: .regular, color: .primary)
            if topic.name == topicSelected {
                Image(systemName: "checkmark")
                    .frame(width: 10, height: 10)
        .onTapGesture {
            selectedTopicData = topic
            topicSelected = topic.name

Anyway, thanks for your reply, Taz



Hey, my friend, I appreciate the reply. I'd thought about doing it in a Menu which would give me the checkmark automatically, but my list of topics is over a 100. So I didn't feel the menu was the right fit for a list that long. Plus, by putting this in a sheet I can give the user the ability to filter the topics with .searchable modifier.

Again my friend, thanks for great solution.



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