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scrollTo not working with List

Forums > SwiftUI

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. When running, I see that it should scrollTo my item, but it doesn't.

struct ListOfPermitInspectionsView: View {
    @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
    @Environment(PT_CurrentUser.self) private var activeUser
    @Environment(DBPermitEventModel.self) private var permitEvent : DBPermitEventModel?
    @Environment(DBPermitMainModel.self) private var permit : DBPermitMainModel
    @EnvironmentObject var permitViewActions : PermitViewActions

    @State private var selectedItem : DBPermitInspectionModel?
    @Query var inspectionItems : [DBPermitInspectionModel]

    init(predicate: Predicate<DBPermitInspectionModel>)
        _inspectionItems = Query(filter: predicate, sort: [SortDescriptor(\DBPermitInspectionModel.inspectionID)])

    var body: some View {


            ScrollViewReader{ proxy in

                    ForEach(inspectionItems) {item in
                            InspectionItemView(inspectionItem: item)
                            selectedItem?.inspectionID == item.inspectionID ? Color.SELECTCOLOR : Color.clear
                        .onTapGesture {
                            selectedItem = item
                .onChange(of: selectedItem, { oldValue, newValue in
                    if oldValue == nil && newValue != nil {
                        print("Should Scroll To Item: \(newValue!.inspectionID)")
                            withAnimation {
                                proxy.scrollTo(selectedItem, anchor: .center)
                    permitViewActions.inspectionItemSelected = newValue
                .onReceive(permitViewActions.$inspectionItemScrollTo){ item in
                    if let scrollToItem = permitViewActions.inspectionItemScrollTo
                        print("onReceive Scroll to Item: \(scrollToItem.inspectionID)")
                        selectedItem = scrollToItem
                        permitViewActions.inspectionItemScrollTo = nil
                        withAnimation {
                            proxy.scrollTo(selectedItem, anchor: .center)
                    print("ON APPEAR")
                    if selectedItem == nil{
                        if let permitEvent = permitEvent {
                            selectedItem = PT_PermitEvents.getSelectedInspectionByID(inspectionID: permitEvent.eventInspectionID, userId: activeUser.userID, permitId: permit.permitID, modelContainer: modelContext.container)
                            print("This is an event and the selectedItem is: \(selectedItem?.inspectionID ?? "NOTHING!!!")")
                            let inspectionPredicate = PT_PermitEvents.getEventInspectionsPredicate(USERID: activeUser.userID, CONID: activeUser.CONID, PERMITID: permit.permitID)
                            let fetchDesc = FetchDescriptor(predicate: inspectionPredicate, sortBy: [SortDescriptor(\DBPermitInspectionModel.inspectionID)])
                            if let firstInspection = try? modelContext.fetch(fetchDesc).first
                                selectedItem = firstInspection
                            print("This is a permit only and the selectedItem is: \(selectedItem?.inspectionID ?? "NOTHING!!!")")



If I remember rightly, you need to give your items an id to allow them to be scrolled to. Check this out:




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