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Play a video

Forums > SwiftUI

I am having a problem playing a video. Here is my example code

import AVKit
import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VideoPlayer(player: AVPlayer(url: URL(string: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/ld-bG1CjkZY?rel=0")!))

When the program runs, I just get the video controls shown, but a blank video. Some other videos play OK. Any ideas? My iPhone is running 14.0


@twostraws  Site AdminHWS+

I'm not sure you're able to embed YouTube videos like that – IIRC they serve them up in a format iOS doesn't support without special permissions from Apple. Perhaps try a direct MP4 link first and see if that's better.


the problem is that I get the URL from this API call https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY&date=2020-08-31


could i perhaps embed a web browser control and play a video inside that?


Yes I tried with local m4v files, its showing black screen. Tried mp4 file it shows the video thumbnail but no controls, does not play. A remote url works but not youtube video. I need to play local m4v files. Also how to programmatically play the video in swiftUI and also add flag overlays as this is a test.


could i perhaps embed a web browser control and play a video inside that?


Sure, the WKWebView will work great. I dont think you could play that YT link natively without trying to get link to the underling files...


Sorry for the late reply, but Giles Van Gruisen has created a WKWebView YouTube player (https://github.com/gilesvangruisen/Swift-YouTube-Player), which you can utilize in your SwiftUI project following this guide https://medium.com/@mikolukasik/implementing-a-youtube-player-in-swiftui-ff386fdfd1fb by Miko Lukasik


Would it be possible to implement something like this in macOS? If so, how hard would it be to convert it?


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