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SOLVED: Picker Choice To Alter Second Picker

Forums > SwiftUI

I have a picker whose values are from a JSON file.

These are car makers. When you select a maker of car i would like the second picker to show the model of cars that that maker makes.

The structure of the JSON is

      "brand" : "BMW",
        "name" : "335",
        "w" : 0,
        "x" : 0,
        "y" : 0,
        "z" : 0

Thanks very much in advance.


Here's a solution. Not the most elegant, but it works.

JSON structure:

        "brand": "BMW",
        "models": [
                "name": "335"
                "name": "x5"
        "brand": "Tesla",
        "models": [
                "name": "CyberTruck"
                "name": "X"
                "name": "S"
        "brand": "Porsche",
        "models": [
                "name": "911"
                "name": "Taycan"


struct Manufacturer: Decodable {
    let brand: String
    let models: [Model]

struct Model: Decodable {
    let name: String

And the actual view and its model:

struct ContentView: View {

    @ObservedObject private var model = ContentViewModel()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if model.selectedManufacturer == -1 {
                Text("No Brand Selected")
            } else {

            Picker(selection: $model.selectedManufacturer, label: Text("Brand")) {

                ForEach(0 ..< model.carData.count) { carIndex in

            if model.selectedManufacturer != -1 {
                Picker(selection: $model.selectedModel, label: Text("Model")) {

                    ForEach(0 ..< model.models.count, id: \.self) { modelIndex in

class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
    let carData: [Manufacturer]

    @Published var selectedManufacturer = -1 {
        didSet {
            // reset the currently selected model to "None" when the manufacturer changes
            selectedModel = -1
    @Published var selectedModel = -1
    var models: [Model] {
        if (0 ..< carData.count).contains(selectedManufacturer) {
            return carData[selectedManufacturer].models

        return []

    init() {
        let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "TestCars", withExtension: "json")!
        let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
        carData = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Manufacturer].self, from: data)


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