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pass core data results to function in another class

Forums > SwiftUI

MVVM is hard. I'm trying to setup MVVM for my view. Specifically I have a ist of rows for an entity, The rows are the result of

  @FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor(\.name)]) var players: FetchedResults<Player>

I have a ForEach in a List to get the view and I can delete rows. I added

      .onDelete() { indexSet in
        removePlayers(at: indexSet)


   func x (a: FetchedResults<Player>) {


 func removePlayers(at offsets: IndexSet) {
    for index in offsets {
      let player = players[index]
    try? moc.save()
    x(a: players)

This works fine. When I move this to another class, in another source member, I get a problerm

    func removePlayers(at offsets: IndexSet, players:  FetchedResults<Player>, moc: NSManagedObjectContext) {
      for index in offsets {
        let player = players[index]
      try? moc.save()

I get an error "Cannot find type 'FetchedResults' in scope" on the func line. The view structure contains a function, x, that has the result set as a parameter and the compiler is happy with that. I did a copy/paste to move the parameter desctiption, so they are spelled the same.

Both files have the same Import, I added Import CoreData in hopes of fixing it but it still fails.

I have two questions. First, why is the type FetchedResults found in one file and not the other. Two, is there an easier way to move the delete to a MVVM module. As far as I know the delete needs the moc and the fetched result. Both of those things are in the view structure. I tried moving the @FetchRequest and extracting the moc from the environment to the MMVM class, but that had problems.

So, do I leave delete in the view structure, go about getting access to stuff other than passing them as parameters, or pass the FetchResult differently?


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