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Need some assistance: Reverse the x-axis in lineMark

Forums > SwiftUI

Have tried several schemes to reverse the x-axis in SwiftUI's lineMark, but none are satisfactory. Specifically, would like to plot from high to low values (for example, index = 500 to 0) and have the x-axis labels start at 500 and go to 0.

Basic plottting code is below:

        Chart(0..<ydata.count, id: \.self) { index in
                x: .value("X-axis", xdata[index]),
                y: .value("Y-axis", ydata[index])
.scaleEffect(x: -1, y: 1, anchor: .center)

The above does reverse the x-axis, but basically flips the entire chart and all of the axis labels are backwards.

 y: .value("Y-axis", xdata.reversed()[index])

The above also reverses the ordering of the xdata, but not the x-axis labels (i.e., starts at 0 and ends at 500).

.chartXScale(domain: highValue...lowValue)

The above results in an error - "Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: Range requires lowerBound <= upperBound"


Partial solution:

            domain: .automatic(includesZero: false, reversed: true)

But unable to explicitly set XScale domain, .chartXScale(domain: 0...500) has no effect.


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