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Good morning everyone,

I am new when it comes to NavigationSplitView. I'm not sure when you want to put a .navigationDestination. Here is my scenario. I have a view that has a NavigationSplitView in it. Like this:

        NavigationSplitView(columnVisibility: $visibility) {
            VStack(alignment: .center) {
                // This shows a segmented control to user so they can choose between
                // completed and scheduled programs
                    whichProgramsToShowChoice: $showCompletedOrScheduledProgramsChoice,
                    currentSelectedProgram: $currentSelectedProgram,
                    sortProgramItemsByNameDateTypeChoice: $sortProgramItemsByDateChoice,
                    itemCount: countOfPrograms()

                // Where we see the list of programs associated as either scheduled
                // or completed.
                    currentSelectedProgram: $currentSelectedProgram,
                    whichProgramsToShowChoice: $showCompletedOrScheduledProgramsChoice,
                    sortProgramItemsByNameDateTypeChoice: $sortProgramItemsByDateChoice,
                    searchTerm: $searchTerm
            .navigationTitle(showCompletedOrScheduledProgramsChoice == 0 ? .scheduledProgramsTitle : showCompletedOrScheduledProgramsChoice == 1 ? .completedProgramsTitle : .allProgramsTitle)
            .searchable(text: $searchTerm, placement: .navigationBarDrawer(displayMode: .always), prompt: Text(.searchByProgramName))
            .toolbar {
            .toastView(toast: $toast)
        } detail: {
            if let program = currentSelectedProgram {
                withAnimation {
                    DetailOfSelectedProgramView(program: program)
            } else {
                withAnimation {
        .onDisappear {
            currentSelectedProgram = nil

The ShowProgramsContainerView is this

        VStack {
            if whichProgramsToShowChoice == 0 {
                // Inside here we are working with scheduled programs
                if dm.getAllProgramsByStatus(byNameDateType: sortProgramItemsByNameDateTypeChoice,
                                            programStatus: Status.scheduled).isEmpty {
                } else if dm.getAllProgramsByStatus(byNameDateType: sortProgramItemsByNameDateTypeChoice,
                } else {
                    List(selection: withAnimation { $currentSelectedProgram } ) {
                        ForEach(dm.getAllProgramsByStatus(byNameDateType: sortProgramItemsByNameDateTypeChoice,
                             programStatus: Status.scheduled).filter {
                            searchTerm.appearsIn($0.name) || searchTerm.appearsIn($0.date.dateText(style: .medium))
                        }, id: \.self) { program in
                            NavigationLink(value: program) {
                                ListOfProgramsRowView(program: program)
                        .onDelete(perform: deleteAllScheduledPrograms)
            } else if whichProgramsToShowChoice == 1 {
              // I took the code out here its the same as above. Shows the list of programs
            } else {
              // I took the code out here its the same as above. Shows the list of programs

As you can see I have a list with with a binding to the currentSelectedProgram. What I need to know is do I need to have NavigationLink(value: program) here. I struggle with when you need to use NavigationLink and .navigationDestination.

If someone could shed some light on this I'd appreciate it. If I remove NavigationLink the program still navigates to the view in the detail section.

I hope all this was clear and apologize for the length. I tried to shorten it as much as possible.

Thanks Taz


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