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SOLVED: Message Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed

Forums > SwiftUI

In my project I load JSON data from a server and display it in a list. I have a class NetworkManager which handles the POST, GET and DELETE tasks. Inside .onAppear() of the MeterView Struct I load the data from the server.

.onAppear() {
                networkManager.getMeterReadingItems { items in
                    readings.items = items

When I start the app it works at first with no apparent problems, however I see the following error message in the console (Xcode) which refers to the "networkManager..." line:

[SwiftUI] Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed; make sure to publish values from the main thread (via operators like receive(on:)) on model updates.

I found the following article by Paul on Hacking with Swift: How to use @MainActor to run code on the main queue and tried various things, but unfortunately without success. I must confess I don't know how to prevent the message.

I have tried using a Task in .onAppear - no success:

            .onAppear() {
                Task {
                    await MainActor.run {
                        networkManager.getMeterReadingItems { items in
                            readings.items = items

Can anyone give me a tip on how to prevent the message and thus improve the code?


Try this:

.onAppear {
    networkManager.getMeterReadingItems { items in
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            readings.items = items

Or switch to using async/await instead of callback-based methods.


Hi roosterboy, Thanks a lot - that fixed it :-)


It would be nicer to figure out how to do it with async/await instead of GCD.

Try marking your NetworkManager class @MainActor.


Hi @bobstern, after reading Paul's post about @MainActor my first attempt was to mark the NetworkManager class as @MainActor. Unfortunately after that the message in Xcode about the above mentioned line was still displayed .... ??!!

After that I wrote the article here in the forum and after roosterboy's change Xcode didn't give a warning anymore. I do not know what I did wrong regarding @MainActor or maybe that alone was not enough.


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