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SOLVED: List being presented horizonally instead of vertically.

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I've got a strange situation and I'm not sure why it's happening.

I have a list view that is supposed to present its contents sorted/filtered by a number of criteria. So basically, each choice is really a different subview:

struct LibraryView: View {
    @State private var sorting: Sorting = .titleAscending
    @State private var filtering: Filtering = .none

    @EnvironmentObject var database: LibraryDatabase

    var body: some View {
        Group {
            switch (filtering, sorting) {
                // MARK: - Sorted, no filter
                case (.none, .titleAscending): sectionedList(books: database.books)
                case (.none, .author): bookListSectionedByAuthor(authors: database.authors)
                // etc etc
        .toolbar {
            ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
                Menu(content: {
                    Picker("Filter by...", selection: $filtering) {
                        ForEach(Filtering.allCases, id: \.self) { option in
                            HStack {
                                Image(systemName: option.image)
                label: {
                    Image(systemName: "line.horizontal.3.decrease")
            ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
                Menu("Sort") {
                    Picker("Sort by...", selection: $sorting) {
                        ForEach(Sorting.allCases, id: \.self) { option in
                            HStack {
                                Image(systemName: option.image)

The first option in the switch above work as it should:

The second, however, does this:

I really don't understand why that's happening. It was working properly when I had the code as part of the Sorting enum, as seen here:

    func view(_ database: LibraryDatabase) -> some View {
        return Group {
            switch self {
                case .titleAscending: titleListView(database)
                case .author: authorListView(database)

    private func authorListView(_ database: LibraryDatabase) -> some View {
        let authors = database.authors.sorted(by: { $0.description < $1.description })
        return List {
            ForEach(authors) { author in
                Section(header: Text(author.description)) {
                    ForEach(author.books.sorted(by: {$0.title < $1.title})) { book in

The only thing that changed was that I added extensions to get the sorting/filtering code out of the functions that return views, so that those functions were a lot cleaner:

extension Array where Element == Audiobook {
    var sorted: [Audiobook] {
        self.sorted(by: {$0.title < $1.title})

extension Array where Element == Author {
    var sorted: [Author] {
        self.sorted(by: {(SortableOptional(optional: $0.name.familyName), SortableOptional(optional: $0.name.givenName)) <
                        (SortableOptional(optional: $1.name.familyName), SortableOptional(optional: $1.name.givenName))})

and then I moved the functions to an extension of the view itself instead of having them in the enum:

extension LibraryView {
    /// A view that presented the array of books as a list in ascending order by title
    /// If the array of books contains less than 20 entries, the list will be unsectioned.
    /// Otherwise, there will be one section for each first character
    func sectionedList(books: [Audiobook]) -> some View {
        List {
            if books.count <= 20 {
                ForEach(books.sorted) { book in
            } else {
                ForEach(books.firstCharacters) { char in
                    Section(header: Text(String(char))) {
                        ForEach(books.filteredByFirstCharacter(char).sorted) { book in

    /// Presents a list of books sectioned by author
    func bookListSectionedByAuthor(authors: [Author]) -> some View {
        List(authors) { author in
            Section(header: Text(author.description)) {
                ForEach(author.books.sorted) { book in

I don't see why it would be presenting the list horizonally instead of vertically in the second sorting option.


Actually, cancel that. I answered my own question, and I'm sharing it here because it seems like a mistake others might make and could learn from. As I was reviewing what I had posted, I noticed one other change I'd made, so minor I didn't even think about it:

This presents the list vertically, as it should:

    func bookListSectionedByAuthor(authors: [Author]) -> some View {
        List {
            ForEach(authors) { author in
                Section(header: Text(author.description)) {
                    ForEach(author.books.sorted) { book in

This doesn't:

    func bookListSectionedByAuthor(authors: [Author]) -> some View {
        List(authors) { author in
            Section(header: Text(author.description)) {
                ForEach(author.books.sorted) { book in


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