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SOLVED: Is there a way to solve this simple bit of code?

Forums > SwiftUI

I wrote this code below without thinking, then quickly realised ofcourse it won't work because the parentasis will interfere with the code. I know I would wrap the whole H and V Stack but it's a lot of code and I prefer not to do it twice. Is there any way to solve this?

 if widthSizeClass == .regular {
                        HStack {
    } else if widthSizeClass == .compact {
                        VStack {
    } else {
                        VStack {

Many thanks


Perhaps take a look at ViewThatFits to control your layout, or use a switch, or use a function to return the VStack/HStack content, so you're not coding any embedded parentheses. Or code the content as a separate component. Lots of potential solutions, it all depends on how complex your view is going to become.



Maybe use a switch instead of an if statement. I'm assuming your enum has only the 2 .regular and .compact?

enum Sizes {
case regular
case compact

let widthSizeClass: Sizes = .compact

switch widthSizeClass {
  case .regular:
    HStack {
      // Your code here
  case .compact:
    VStack {
      // Your code here


Yes only two but I don't want to include the closing bracket because it's a lot of code and I prefer not to do it twice. Using a switch means I still need to do it twice


oh. then just place that repeatable view in another struct / view and call it inside the HStack and VStack.

switch widthSizeClass {
  case .regular:
    HStack {
  case .compact:
    VStack {

then you would just have to edit YourView().

struct YourView: some View {
  // your code here

@ygeras link is more advanced and you can move to that once you're more versed.


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