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SOLVED: How to sort/filter out my API call to these menu settings in a list view?

Forums > SwiftUI


This is my Menu i'd like to add to my list:

                       Button("Date Added", action: sortByDate)
                       Button("Creator", action: sortByCreator)
                       Button("Difficulty", action: sortByDifficulty)

            } label: {
                Label("Sort", systemImage: "line.3.horizontal.decrease.circle.fill")

but the problem I am having is that my struct is like this:

struct RecipeList: View {
    let menu: RecipeSelection
    /// takes the passeed in value from the recipe selction on the home page and passes it to the list page to fetch the correct repecies.
  @StateObject var api = RecipeAPI()

    var body: some View {

        List {
                .frame(height: 250)
                .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
                .padding(.bottom, 10)

            //View Discription and Title Header

            Text("Explore \(menu.name) recipes from creators you love.")

                       Button("Date Added", action: sortByDate)
                       Button("Creator", action: sortByCreator)
                       Button("Difficulty", action: sortByDifficulty)

            } label: {
                Label("Sort", systemImage: "line.3.horizontal.decrease.circle.fill")

            //List of Recipes
            ForEach(api.recipes) { recipe in

                NavigationLink(destination: RecipesLanding(recipe: recipe)){
                        AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "\(recipe.imageURL)")) { image in
                                .frame(width: 130, height: 81)
                                .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                        } placeholder: {
                                .frame(width: 130, height: 81)

                        VStack(alignment: .leading) {


        .frame( maxWidth: .infinity)

        .task {
            await api.fetchRecipes(for: menu)



    func sortByDate() {}
    func sortByCreator() {}
    func sortByDifficulty() {}


How do I sort by Creator of my API call which is a string? Or By Date which is a Date type but It is formatted as you can see in the API below. and the diffilcuty?

class BreakfastAPI: ObservableObject {
    @Published var recipes: [Recipe] = []

        func fetchRecipes() async {

                let formatter = DateFormatter()
                formatter.dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"

                do  {
                    let breakfastAPIURL = URL(string: URLData.breakfast.rawValue)!
                    async let items = try await URLSession.shared.decode([Recipe].self, from: breakfastAPIURL, dateDecodingStrategy: .formatted(formatter))
                    recipes = try await items
                    recipes = recipes.filter { $0.dateAdded <= Date.now }
                } catch {
                    print("Failed to fetch data!", error)


Best, Imran


Add this to BreakfastAPI

func sortByCreator() {
  recipes.sort { $0.creator < $1.creator }

You can work out the other ones



So I tried that but the problem I am now having is that the function cannot be a found in scope.

function added to Recipe list view to bring in the function from the RecipeAPI:

func sortedByCreator() {


                       Button("Date Added", action: sortByDate)
                       Button("Creator", action: sortedByCreator)
                       Button("Difficulty", action: sortByDifficulty)

            } label: {
                Label("Sort", systemImage: "line.3.horizontal.decrease.circle.fill")

Thanks again...


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You do not need the method inside the RecipeList just do this

Button("Creator", action: api.sortedByCreator)



So I tried that and this is the error I got:

Converting function value of type '@MainActor () -> ()' to '() -> Void' loses global actor 'MainActor'

on all the buttons.

Best, Imran



@StateObject var api = RecipeAPI()


@StateObject var api: RecipeAPI

init() {
    self._api = StateObject(wrappedValue: RecipeAPI())


It then throws this error:

Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties


let menu: RecipeSelection
@StateObject var api: RecipeAPI

init(menu: RecipeSelection) {
    self._api = StateObject(wrappedValue: RecipeAPI())
    self.menu = menu



This error presists on all of them:

Converting function value of type '@MainActor () -> ()' to '() -> Void' loses global actor 'MainActor'


Hi Imran,

In your code that you have given us you have

class BreakfastAPI: ObservableObject { // <- Is this RecipeAPI?
// rest of code


struct RecipeList: View {
  let menu: RecipeSelection

  @StateObject var api = RecipeAPI() // <- does not match the BreakfastAPI

So you need to gives us that. Where about is the error message? Does the RecipeAPI have @MainActor?



So It's for my recipesAPI It has the @MainActor tag and I have done the above init to the view.

This is the error I am getting:

Converting function value of type '@MainActor () -> ()' to '() -> Void' loses global actor 'MainActor'

on all the buttons on the Menu we created.


Sorry I am very confused about how the RecipeAPI and BreakfastAPI are connected! The methods(func) for your Button should be in the same class as @Published var recipes: [Recipe] = [] as they change it directly.

Try removing the @MainActor and see if you get an error about change the UI not on main thread, if not then you do not need it.


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