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How to keep drop-down menu "in place" when pressed and cover up the view below

Forums > SwiftUI

So I've got a custom drop down menu that I've created since the stock Picker isn't very nice to look at and isn't the most customizable piece of UI. It functions how I need to but one "bug" I've noticed is that when I press the drop-down, it shoots every view above it higher onto the screen/view. And thus it has become less of a dropdown and more of a push-up menu, there "drop-down" should also cover the view/field below it.

struct DropdownMenu: View {
//    Used to show or hide drop-down menu options
    @State private var isOptionsPresented: Bool = false

//    Used to bind user selection
    @Binding var selectedOption: DropdownMenuOption?

    let placeholder: String
    let options: [DropdownMenuOption]
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            HStack {
                Text(selectedOption == nil ? placeholder : selectedOption!.option)
                    .foregroundColor(selectedOption == nil ? .gray : .black)
                Image(systemName: self.isOptionsPresented ? "chevron.up" : "chevron.down")
        .overlay {
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4)
                .stroke(.gray, lineWidth: 2)
        .overlay(alignment: .top) {
            VStack {
                if self.isOptionsPresented {
                    Spacer(minLength: 64)
                    DropdownMenuList(options: self.options, onSelectedAction: { option in
                        self.isOptionsPresented = false
                        self.selectedOption = option
        .padding( .bottom, self.isOptionsPresented ? CGFloat(self.options.count * 32 ) > 160
                  ? 192
                  : CGFloat(self.options.count * 32) + 32
                  : 0

and then the dropdown menu list

struct DropdownMenuList: View {
//    the dropdown menu list options
    let options: [DropdownMenuOption]
//    an action called when user select an option
    let onSelectedAction: (_ option: DropdownMenuOption) -> Void

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            LazyVStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 02) {
                ForEach(options) { option in
                    DropdownMenuListRow(option: option, onSelectedAction: self.onSelectedAction)
        .frame(height: CGFloat(self.options.count * 32 ) > 160 ? 160 : CGFloat(self.options.count * 32))
        .padding(.vertical, 04)
        .overlay {
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 04)
                .stroke(.gray, lineWidth: 02)



I had to improvise some things but it should work like intended,

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var selectedOption: DropdownMenuOption? = DropdownMenuOption.option1

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Hello World!")

            DropdownMenu(selectedOption: $selectedOption, placeholder: "Placeholder", options: [DropdownMenuOption.option1, DropdownMenuOption.option2])

            Text("Hello Again")
struct DropdownMenu: View {
//    Used to show or hide drop-down menu options
    @State private var isOptionsPresented: Bool = false

//    Used to bind user selection
    @Binding var selectedOption: DropdownMenuOption?

    let placeholder: String
    let options: [DropdownMenuOption]

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {

              HStack {
                  Text(selectedOption == nil ? placeholder : selectedOption!.rawValue)
                      .foregroundColor(selectedOption == nil ? .gray : .black)
                  Image(systemName: self.isOptionsPresented ? "chevron.up" : "chevron.down")
              .frame(height: 60)
              .overlay {
                  RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4)
                      .stroke(.gray, lineWidth: 2)

        .overlay(alignment: .top) {
            VStack {
                if self.isOptionsPresented {
                    Spacer(minLength: 64)
                    DropdownMenuList(options: self.options, onSelectedAction: { option in
                        self.isOptionsPresented = false
                        self.selectedOption = option
            .padding( .bottom, self.isOptionsPresented ? CGFloat(self.options.count * 32 ) > 160
                      ? 192
                      : CGFloat(self.options.count * 32) + 32
                      : 0
struct DropdownMenuList: View {
//    the dropdown menu list options
    let options: [DropdownMenuOption]
//    an action called when user select an option
    let onSelectedAction: (_ option: DropdownMenuOption) -> Void

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            LazyVStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 02) {
                ForEach(options, id: \.self) { option in
        .frame(height: 60)
        .overlay {
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 04)
                .stroke(.gray, lineWidth: 02)


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