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How to get info about size of AVcaptureOutput frames or data from Camera sensors

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi, I am new here. I am a blind developer and irony of fate I am dealing with ios camera issues. I should obtain the real distance from an object (a known object) in the frame. I am following the formula Distance = focalLength objectRealDimension / objectDimensionInTheFrame. I need not scientific measurement of course. I get the focalLnegth from exifdata in 35mm corrispondence. I have the real height of the object in mm, but I do not know how to get the dimension of the object in the frame. I have its bounds from VNBarcodeObservation but it is a scalar value. I supposte I sould multiply these values by the camera activeformat resolution? I should obtain pixels and how I could obtain real dimension in millimeters? How can I obtain resolution of the AVcaptureOutput frames? Thansk you all in advanceHi all, I am new here. I am a blind developer and irony of fate, I am dealing with camera issues. I have to obtain an approximate value of the distance from a kwnown object in the frame. Following the formula Distance = focalLHi, I am new here and I am a blind developer. Irony of fate, I am dealing with camera issues. I have to obtain the distance from an object (known object) in the frame and I am following the formula: Distance = focalLength objectRealDimension / obth * objectREealHeight / obJectDimensions in the frame I could obtain what I am searching. I take the focalLength from exifdata (in 35mm version in mm). I have the real dimension of my objectin mm, but I do not know how to get the dimension of the object in the frame. I have developer and


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