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How to Customize Section with SectionedFetchResults

Forums > SwiftUI

I am making a list view of tasks that are organized by groups and these groups also have a color assinged to them. My goal is to have the section header have the name of the group with the group color as the text color.

@SectionedFetchRequest<String?, Task>(
        sectionIdentifier: \.group,
        sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.group, ascending: true),
                          NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.title, ascending: true)]
    ) private var sortedByGroup: SectionedFetchResults<String?, Task>
var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                List {
                    ForEach(sortedByGroup) { selectedGroup in
                        Section(header: Text(selectedGroup.id ?? "error")) {
                            ForEach(selectedGroup) { task in
                                NavigationLink {
                                    TaskDetailView(task: task)
                                } label : {

As you can see I have only been able to get the text to work so far


Hi. As I have no idea how you structured your Task Entity in Core Data and how you have you color assigned to group. I will base my suggestion on assumptions :)

As a possible solution you can try to add extension to TaskEntity for computed property like so:

var viewGroupColor: Color {
  if group1 {
  return .gray
  } else if group2 {
    return .green

  // etc.
  // or you can create enum and switch between groups to assign a color

Then use initalizer for Section which accepts header as a closure and assign color respectively via foregroundColor modifier:

 Section {
                  ForEach(selectedGroup) { task in
                      NavigationLink {
                          TaskDetailView(task: task)
                      } label : {
              } header: {
                Text(selectedGroup.id ?? "error")
                  .foregroundColor(selectedGroup.viewGroupColor) // not sure how you have set it up
                  // but logic as you have your group chosen in TaskEntity it will assign color accordingly in computed property.


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