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SOLVED: Help me understand the View protocol

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm trying to understand a little how the View protocol from SwiftUI works. So we have this:

protocol View {
associatedType Body: View

var body: Self.Body {get}

I have two questions about this:

Is Body placeholder replaced with the actual View type (for example Text, Button, Image, VStack, etc?)

What does "Self.Body" means?

Give me some examples please.


Maybe this will help - Self vs self

So if you pass 'Text' to the 'View', 'Self.Body' will be essentially the same as 'Text.Body', and you say you can pass anything that conforms to the 'View' protocol.


I think Self always refer to the conforming Type of the protocol, for example:

struct MyCustomView: View {
var body: some View {
    Text("Hello World")

Here, Self.Body would be MyCustomView.Body

But I dont understand why they refer to var: Self.Body instead of just var: Body


But I dont understand why they refer to var: Self.Body instead of just var: Body

If you have a type somewhere else in your code called Body, how is the compiler to know which Body you are referring to?

By using Self.Body, the compiler knows you are referring to the associatedType Body of the type that conforms to the View protocol.

Is Body placeholder replaced with the actual View type (for example Text, Button, Image, VStack, etc?)

Yes, and those types can get very complicated very fast.

This View:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var counter = 0 

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button(action: { counter += 1 }, label: {
                Text("Tap me!")
            if counter > 0 {
                Text("You've tapped \(counter) times")
            } else {
                Text("You've not yet tapped")

has a body whose type is this:

VStack<TupleView<(Button<ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<Text,_PaddingLayout>,_BackgroundModifier<Color>>,_ClipEffect<RoundedRectangle>>>,_ConditionalContent<Text, Text>)>>

* example from Thinking in SwiftUI v2.0 by Chris Eidhof and Florian Kugler


Thank you very much, now is clear for me, I didn't know Swift would confuse if I have something else called Body. Now it makes sense. SwiftUI is making sure that Body is coming from "MyCustomView.Body" and not some independent Body type.


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