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error: 'Expected named member of numeric literal' on the String(1.1.1)

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi everyone, I am getting this error: 'Expected named member of numeric literal' on the String(1.1.1). I tried already to convert it in different formats, but it didn't worked - any suggestions?

if savedVersion != String(1.1.1) || savedVersion != String(1.1) || savedVersion != String(1) {



1.1 is a numeric literal (a Double, or possibly a CGFloat or some other type, depending on how it was declared)

1.1.1 is not a number at all in Swift, but rather an attempt to access a property .1 on a value 1.1, which does not exist and therefore gives you that error. The "named literal" part is because the compiler is expecting a named element rather than an indexed element like you would find on, say, a tuple.

It looks like you might be trying to compare app version information. If so, check out this blog post for some ideas how to do that properly:

How to compare two app version strings in Swift


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