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SOLVED: Different color bars in the same barmark chart

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi experts :)

I have a barmark chart with 6 bars. It works fine but I want the first 3 bars to be red and the second 3 bars to be green.

Any idea how I do this?

    struct Item: Identifiable {
        let id = UUID()
        let month: String
        let visitValue: Int

    var myItems = [Item]()
    let items:  [Item] = [

                // Highest perfoming Months
                Item(month: highestLowestMonths.mthHighestName[0],
                visitValue: Int(highestLowestMonths.mthHighestRevenue[0])),

                Item(month: highestLowestMonths.mthHighestName[1],
                visitValue: Int(highestLowestMonths.mthHighestRevenue[1])),

                Item(month: highestLowestMonths.mthHighestName[2],
                visitValue: Int(highestLowestMonths.mthHighestRevenue[2])),

                // Lowest perfoming Months
                Item(month: highestLowestMonths.mthLowestName[0],
                visitValue: Int(highestLowestMonths.mthLowestRevenue[0])),

                Item(month: highestLowestMonths.mthLowestName[1],
                visitValue: Int(highestLowestMonths.mthLowestRevenue[1])),

                Item(month: highestLowestMonths.mthLowestName[2],
                visitValue: Int(highestLowestMonths.mthLowestRevenue[2])),

    var body: some View {

                Chart {
                    // High and low monthly performers chart
                    ForEach(items) { items in
                            x: .value("Month", items.month),
                            y: .value("sales Revenue", items.visitValue)

                            y: .value("xxx", contactAnalyticsDataMonthlyAverages.eaAverageVisitValue)
                            .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 2))
                            .annotation(position: .top, alignment: .leading)
                                Text("FIXTHIS \(contactAnalyticsDataMonthlyAverages.eaAverageVisitValue, format: .number)")
                                    .font(.system(size: 12, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))

                    "zzz": Color(.green)
                .chartLegend(position: .top, alignment: .bottomTrailing)

                // Chart has been tapped. display large version.
                .onTapGesture {
                    print("mob: High and low monthly performers chart tapped")
                    showLargeChart = true
                    .sheet(isPresented: $showLargeChart) {


You need a variable in your Item for the color. F.e. var color: String

There is a modifier you can use on your BarMark

.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Result Color", item.color))

Then there is another modifier for the chart itself.

            "Red": .red,
            "Green": .green


Hi Hatsushira, thank you . I did that and now I have a very strange runtime error. I will start a new question for that issue.



Please remember to mark his answer as "Solved". Only you can do this.


SOLVED. Thank you!


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