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Day 19: Solved : **I would like someone to grade my code or let me know if i have made any mistakes? Why my simulator shows two done while building this code.

Forums > SwiftUI

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var inputUnit = "Inch"
@State private var outputUnit = "Inch"
@State private var userInputNumber = 0.0

@FocusState private var inputIsFocused: Bool

let units = ["Inch","Feet","Meter","KM"]

var inputConverted : Double {
    let finalInput: Double = userInputNumber
    switch inputUnit {
    case "Inch":
        return finalInput
    case "Feet":
        return finalInput * 12
    case "Meter":
        return finalInput * 39.3701
    case "KM":
        return finalInput * 39370.1
        return finalInput

var outputConverted: Double {
    let finalOutput: Double = inputConverted
    switch outputUnit {
    case "Inch":
        return finalOutput
    case "Feet":
        return finalOutput / 12
    case "Meter":
        return finalOutput / 39.3701
    case "KM":
        return finalOutput / 39370.1
        return finalOutput

var body: some View {
    NavigationStack {
        Form {
            Section("Select Input Unit"){
                Picker("Pick Unit", selection: $inputUnit){
                    ForEach(units, id: \.self){
            Section("Select output Unit"){
                Picker("Pick Unit", selection: $outputUnit){
                    ForEach(units, id: \.self){
            Section("Insert value") {
                TextField("User Input", value: $userInputNumber, format: .number)

            Section("output value") {
                Text(outputConverted, format: .number)
            .toolbar {
                if inputIsFocused {
                    Button("Done") {
                        inputIsFocused = false


Preview {




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