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SOLVED: CoreData, Dates, and DatePicker

Forums > SwiftUI

Dear all,

I wonder if there is a nicer/shorter option to use a SwiftUI DatePicker with Dates of a NSManagedObject than this one?

DatePicker("MyString", selection: Binding<Date>(get: {myObject.date ?? Date()}, set: {myObject.date = $0}), displayedComponents: .date)

or is this the intended way of doing it? The same goes for the other SwiftUI components which require a Binding. Of course, the date on the NSManagedObject is not a Binding and any other solution I searched for had more boilerplate around it to make it work. I haven't found any news on this in the WWDC 2021 videos, either.

Do you have any suggestions?


Thats seems like a good solution if you don't want to add unwrapped properties to an extension on your NSManagedObject, like this:

extension MyObject {
  var wrappedDate: Date {
    date ?? Date()

I would, however, extract the Binding to a computed property like this:

var dateSelection: Binding<Date> {
  Binding {
    myObject.date ?? Date()
  } set {
    myObject.date = newValue

You could create a property in the view that binds to the DatePicker, and on view initailisation and dismissal, connect that back to the NSManagedObject property. For example:

@State private var dateSelection: Date
init() {
  _dateSelection = State(wrappedValue: myObject.date ?? Date())
.onDisappear {
  myObject.date = dateSelection // do wherever suits you

Personally, I do a combination of the first and third, but it's up to you how you do it.


Thank you for your suggestions. The second option for my NSManagedObject seems neat. Makes the call side in the DatePicker cleaner as well. I'll give it a try.


thanks my issue has been fixed.



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