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Can't filter SwiftData @Query based on an @EnvironmentObject

Forums > SwiftUI

I have this class Filters:

class Filters: ObservableObject {
    @Published var visited: Bool? = nil
    @Published var ratingMin: Int? = 0
    @Published var ratingMax: Int? = 5
    @Published var priceMin: Int? = 0
    @Published var priceMax: Int? = 3
    @Published var searchText = ""
    @Published var sortOrder = SortDescriptor(\Place.rating)

And I want to filter the following query:

@Query var places: [Place]

First I tried to do it in the init{} method but @EnvironmentObject are never available in init methods.

Then I tried to modify the query in .onAppeat() but that is not possible either

Could anyone help me with a suggestion on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance


Hi Jose,

I understand the challenge you’re facing with filtering @Query based on @EnvironmentObject. Here’s a solution you can try:

Using a Custom Filtering Function Since @EnvironmentObject isn’t directly accessible in @Query, consider filtering your results manually using a custom function in your view. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

Define a Filter Function:

Create a function in your view to filter the results based on the properties in your Filters object. This function will be called whenever the view needs to update its display.

swift Copy code func filterPlaces(places: [Place], filters: Filters) -> [Place] { return places.filter { place in (filters.visited == nil || place.visited == filters.visited) && (filters.ratingMin == nil || place.rating >= filters.ratingMin!) && (filters.ratingMax == nil || place.rating <= filters.ratingMax!) && (filters.priceMin == nil || place.price >= filters.priceMin!) && (filters.priceMax == nil || place.price <= filters.priceMax!) && (filters.searchText.isEmpty || place.name.contains(filters.searchText)) } } Apply the Filter in Your View:

Use the filter function within your view’s body to display the filtered results.

swift Copy code var body: some View { List { ForEach(filterPlaces(places: places, filters: filters)) { place in Text(place.name) } } } Observe Filter Changes:

Make sure your view updates whenever the filters change by observing the Filters object.

swift Copy code @EnvironmentObject var filters: Filters Example Implementation: swift Copy code struct PlaceListView: View { @EnvironmentObject var filters: Filters @Query var places: [Place]

var body: some View {
    List {
        ForEach(filterPlaces(places: places, filters: filters)) { place in

func filterPlaces(places: [Place], filters: Filters) -> [Place] {
    return places.filter { place in
        (filters.visited == nil || place.visited == filters.visited) &&
        (filters.ratingMin == nil || place.rating >= filters.ratingMin!) &&
        (filters.ratingMax == nil || place.rating <= filters.ratingMax!) &&
        (filters.priceMin == nil || place.price >= filters.priceMin!) &&
        (filters.priceMax == nil || place.price <= filters.priceMax!) &&
        (filters.searchText.isEmpty || place.name.contains(filters.searchText))

} Learn More: For more insights on SwiftUI and advanced filtering techniques, check out this SwiftUI Filtering Guide.

I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out snaptube pro if you have more questions.

Best regards,


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