Hi Jose,
I understand the challenge you’re facing with filtering @Query based on @EnvironmentObject. Here’s a solution you can try:
Using a Custom Filtering Function
Since @EnvironmentObject isn’t directly accessible in @Query, consider filtering your results manually using a custom function in your view. Here’s a step-by-step approach:
Define a Filter Function:
Create a function in your view to filter the results based on the properties in your Filters object. This function will be called whenever the view needs to update its display.
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func filterPlaces(places: [Place], filters: Filters) -> [Place] {
return places.filter { place in
(filters.visited == nil || place.visited == filters.visited) &&
(filters.ratingMin == nil || place.rating >= filters.ratingMin!) &&
(filters.ratingMax == nil || place.rating <= filters.ratingMax!) &&
(filters.priceMin == nil || place.price >= filters.priceMin!) &&
(filters.priceMax == nil || place.price <= filters.priceMax!) &&
(filters.searchText.isEmpty || place.name.contains(filters.searchText))
Apply the Filter in Your View:
Use the filter function within your view’s body to display the filtered results.
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var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(filterPlaces(places: places, filters: filters)) { place in
Observe Filter Changes:
Make sure your view updates whenever the filters change by observing the Filters object.
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@EnvironmentObject var filters: Filters
Example Implementation:
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struct PlaceListView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var filters: Filters
@Query var places: [Place]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(filterPlaces(places: places, filters: filters)) { place in
func filterPlaces(places: [Place], filters: Filters) -> [Place] {
return places.filter { place in
(filters.visited == nil || place.visited == filters.visited) &&
(filters.ratingMin == nil || place.rating >= filters.ratingMin!) &&
(filters.ratingMax == nil || place.rating <= filters.ratingMax!) &&
(filters.priceMin == nil || place.price >= filters.priceMin!) &&
(filters.priceMax == nil || place.price <= filters.priceMax!) &&
(filters.searchText.isEmpty || place.name.contains(filters.searchText))
Learn More:
For more insights on SwiftUI and advanced filtering techniques, check out this SwiftUI Filtering Guide.
I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out snaptube pro if you have more questions.
Best regards,