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Can't figure out why I cannot update a value

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I recently starteded working on an app for creating characters in a ttrpg. In the initial view the idea is that a characters abilities are all rolled together. After they have been rolled, they may reroll individual abilities if the scores are too low.

Here is an ability:

class Strength: Ability {
    let id: UUID
    let name: String
    var shortName: String
    var value: UInt

    init(value: UInt) {
        self.id = UUID()
        self.name = "Strength"
        self.shortName = "str"
        self.value = value

    func getModifiers() -> [Modifier] {
        switch value {
        case 3:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "-3"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "1-in-6")]
        case 4...5:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "-2"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "1-in-6")]
        case 6...8:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "-1"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "1-in-6")]
        case 9...12:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "None"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "2-in-6")]
        case 13...15:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "+1"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "3-in-6")]
        case 16...17:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "+2"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "4-in-6")]
        case 18...:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "+3"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "5-in-6")]
            return []

    func rerollAbility() {
        self.value = UInt.random(in: 3...18);

The problem I am having is in the card subview I created, I am getting the error: "Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'self' is immutable". I've tried chaning ability to a constant, and that leads to a similar issue.

Here is the card:

struct AbilityCard: View {
    var ability: Ability
    @Binding var rerollDisabled: Bool

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack {
            .padding(.bottom, -1)
            HStack {
                Button(action: {
                    print("Reroll Clicked!")
                }) {
                    Label("Reroll", systemImage: "die.face.6.fill")
                Button(action: {
                    print("Info clicked!")
                }) {
                .padding(.trailing, 5)
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8.0)
                .strokeBorder(Color.gray.opacity(0.25), lineWidth: 1)

struct AbilityCard_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        AbilityCard(ability: Strength(value: 18), rerollDisabled: .constant(true))

What am I missing here? Aren't classes supposed to be mutable?


Sorry about that... protocol is:

protocol Ability {
    var id: UUID { get }
    var name: String { get }
    var shortName: String { get set }
    var value: UInt { get set }

    func getModifiers() -> [Modifier]
    func rerollAbility()


Lol, yeah, by rolling abilities together... it is meant to simulate rolling dice to generate character stats for a role-playing game.


I mucked around and got a card view to work. But removed the Ability protocol, which probably is useful for your other cards. Wasn't sure about using UInt? Is there a lesson here for us? Why UInt over a vanilla Int?

Also implemented ObservableObject protocol so changes made to value variable (please pick a more descriptive name!) will update other parts of the user interface.

Also implemented the array of modifiers to be a computed property based on value. When value changes, so does the array of modifiers. The function version feels like a heavy handed solution. For me, a computed property seems more elegant.

// Run this in playgrounds to test assumptions and have fun breaking the code!
import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport

struct AbilityCard: View {
    @ObservedObject var ability: Strength // Any changes to the class may require updating the UI
    @State private var playerCanReroll = true  // This is a toggle for testing.

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Toggle("Reroll", isOn: $playerCanReroll) // Just for testing.
            HStack {
            HStack {
                Button(action: {
                    withAnimation { ability.reroll() }
                }) {
                    Label("Reroll", systemImage: "die.face.6.fill").font(.title3)
            VStack(alignment: .leading){
                ForEach(ability.allModifiers, id:\.self.name ) { modifier in
                        Text( "> \(modifier.name):")
                        Text( "\(modifier.modifier)")
        .frame(width: 200, height: 250)
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8.0)
                .strokeBorder(Color.indigo.opacity(0.85), lineWidth: 5) // bigger for my eyes to see

struct Modifier {
    var name:     String
    var modifier: String

class Strength: ObservableObject {
    let id:               UUID
    let name:             String
    var shortName:        String
    @Published var value: Int  // If this number changes, recalculate this card
    var allModifiers: [Modifier] {
        switch value {
        case 3:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "-3"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "1-in-6")]
        case 4...5:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "-2"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "1-in-6")]
        case 6...8:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "-1"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "1-in-6")]
        case 9...12:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "None"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "2-in-6")]
        case 13...15:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "+1"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "3-in-6")]
        case 16...17:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "+2"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "4-in-6")]
        case 18...:
            return [Modifier(name: "Melee", modifier: "+3"), Modifier(name: "Open Doors", modifier: "5-in-6")]
            return []

    func reroll() { value = Int.random(in: 3...18) } // Int is fine. But you're using UInt? Please explain.

    init(value: Int) {
        self.id        = UUID()
        self.name      = "Strength"
        self.shortName = "str"
        self.value     = value

PlaygroundPage.current.setLiveView(AbilityCard(ability: Strength(value: 18) ))  // <- Run this line in Playgrounds.


I went with UInt as a (probably needless) optimization since I know the value will never be negative, it should always be between 3 and 18 (representing a score that is 3 6-six sided die added together). I'll play with what you suggested and see where I land. Appreciate you taking the time to look over it!


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