Purpose of project: Allow an employee to calculate/project future 401k yearly balances based on several future promotions. With promotions come pay raises.
Current challenge to overcome: Manipulate pay rates based on projected pay rate percentage increases at regular intervals.
Example: A company has communicated to its employees an intention to increase all pay rates by 4% every four years initiated on every January 1st.
Within the below arrays for pay rates, each element of the array represents a yearly pay raise. All employees climb the pay rate scale one element every year.
The employee/app user will be able to toggle (Bool) on/off this option of regularly interval increases:
var regularPayRateIncreases: Bool
var regularPayRateIncreasePercentage: Double
var regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval: Int
var charlotte = Employee("Charlotte Grote",
birthdate: birthdate,
hiredate: hiredate,
retirementAge: 65,
department: .other("Hospitality"),
monthlyHoursWorked: 160,
regularPayRateIncreases: true,
regularPayRateIncreasePercentage: 4.0,
regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval: 4)
The full code is found here on GitHub.
However, I am able to fit the entire macOS Line Command Tool code here...
import Foundation
enum Calculations {
private static let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
roundingMode: .bankers,
scale: 2,
raiseOnExactness: false,
raiseOnOverflow: true,
raiseOnUnderflow: true,
raiseOnDivideByZero: true
static func computeMonthlyEarnings(hours hoursWorked: Int, atPayRate payRate: Int) -> Decimal {
let base = Decimal(hoursWorked * payRate) as NSDecimalNumber
return base.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal
extension Array {
func chunked(into size: Int) -> [[Element]] {
return stride(from: 0, to: count, by: size).map {
Array(self[$0 ..< Swift.min($0 + size, count)])
enum Department: RawRepresentable {
case sales
case management
case seniorManagement
case other(String)
init?(rawValue: String) {
switch rawValue {
case "Sales": self = .sales
case "Management": self = .management
case "Senior Management": self = .seniorManagement
case let dept: self = .other(dept)
var rawValue: String {
switch self {
case .sales: return "Sales"
case .management: return "Management"
case .seniorManagement: return "Senior Management"
case .other(let dept): return dept
func payRate(forYearsWorked numberOfYears: Int) -> Int {
let rates: [Int]
switch self {
case .sales: rates = [20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40]
case .management: rates = [30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50]
case .seniorManagement: rates = [40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60]
default: rates = [10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30]
return rates[min(numberOfYears, rates.count) - 1]
struct Employee {
let name: String
var birthdate: Date
var hiredate: Date
var retirementAge: Int
var department: Department
var monthlyHoursWorked: Int
var regularPayRateIncreases: Bool
var regularPayRateIncreasePercentage: Double
var regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval: Int
private(set) var employmentHistory: [Department]
init(_ name: String,
birthdate: Date,
hiredate: Date,
retirementAge: Int,
department: Department = .other("Employee"),
monthlyHoursWorked: Int,
regularPayRateIncreases: Bool,
regularPayRateIncreasePercentage: Double,
regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval: Int)
self.name = name
self.birthdate = birthdate
self.hiredate = hiredate
self.retirementAge = retirementAge
self.department = department
self.monthlyHoursWorked = monthlyHoursWorked
self.regularPayRateIncreases = regularPayRateIncreases
self.regularPayRateIncreasePercentage = regularPayRateIncreasePercentage
self.regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval = regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval
self.employmentHistory = []
extension Employee {
mutating func promote(to newDepartment: Department) {
department = newDepartment
mutating func work(months: Int) {
.append(contentsOf: Array.init(repeating: department,
count: months))
mutating func work(years: Int) {
work(months: years * 12)
mutating func work(years: Int, months: Int) {
work(months: years * 12 + months)
func yearlyEarnings() -> [Decimal] {
let years = employmentHistory.chunked(into: 12)
var earnings: [Decimal] = []
for (index, months) in years.enumerated() {
let yearEarnings: Decimal = months.reduce(0) { runningTotal, dept in
let payRate = dept.payRate(forYearsWorked: index + 1)
let monthlyEarnings = Calculations.computeMonthlyEarnings(
hours: monthlyHoursWorked,
atPayRate: payRate
return runningTotal + monthlyEarnings
return earnings
extension Employee {
func yearlyDepartments() -> [String] {
let years = employmentHistory.chunked(into: 12)
let departments: [String] = years.map { months in
var seenDepts: Set<String> = []
return months.reduce(into: [String]()) { acc, dept in
if seenDepts.insert(dept.rawValue).inserted {
}.joined(separator: ",")
return departments
func yearlyDepartmentsEarnings() -> [(String, Decimal)] {
let yearlyDepartments = yearlyDepartments()
let yearlyEarnings = yearlyEarnings()
let yearlyDepartmentsEarnings: [(departments: String, earnings: Decimal)] =
Array(zip(yearlyDepartments, yearlyEarnings))
return yearlyDepartmentsEarnings
var birthdate = DateComponents(calendar: .current, year: 1965, month: 7, day: 20).date!
var hiredate = DateComponents(calendar: .current, year: 2021, month: 12, day: 28).date!
var promotion1date = DateComponents(calendar: .current, year: 2023, month: 12, day: 28).date!
var firstDeptMonths: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: hiredate, to: promotion1date).month! }
var promotion2date = DateComponents(calendar: .current, year: 2025, month: 6, day: 28).date!
var secondDeptMonths: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: promotion1date, to: promotion2date).month! }
var promotion3date = DateComponents(calendar: .current, year: 2026, month: 12, day: 28).date!
var thirdDeptMonths: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: promotion2date, to: promotion3date).month! }
var retireAge = 65
let retireDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .year, value: retireAge, to: birthdate)!
var fourthDeptMonths: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: promotion3date, to: retireDate).month! }
extension Date {
var age: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year], from: self, to: Date()).year! }
var yearGroup: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year], from: self, to: Date()).year! + 1}
var totalYearsRemaining: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year], from: self, to: retireDate).year! }
var totalMonthsRemaining: Int { Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: self, to: retireDate).month! }
//age of employee
let age = birthdate.age
//number of years employee has worked for the company
let yearGroup = hiredate.yearGroup
func printYearlyDepartmentsAndEarnings(_ yearlyDeptsAndEarnings: [(departments: String, earnings: Decimal)]) {
for (year, deptsAndEarnings) in yearlyDeptsAndEarnings.enumerated() {
print("Department(s) for Year \(year + yearGroup + 1): \(deptsAndEarnings.departments)")
print("Earnings for Year \(year + yearGroup + 1): \(deptsAndEarnings.earnings)")
print("Age: \(year + age)")
var charlotte = Employee("Charlotte Grote",
birthdate: birthdate,
hiredate: hiredate,
retirementAge: 65,
department: .other("Hospitality"),
monthlyHoursWorked: 160,
regularPayRateIncreases: true,
regularPayRateIncreasePercentage: 4.0,
regularPayRateIncreaseYearInterval: 4)
//give our employee some work history
//months in Hospitality
charlotte.work(months: firstDeptMonths)
//ohh, a promotion!
charlotte.promote(to: .sales)
//months in Sales
charlotte.work(months: secondDeptMonths)
//another promotion. way to go, Charlotte!
charlotte.promote(to: .management)
//months in Management
charlotte.work(months: thirdDeptMonths)
//another promotion. way to go, Charlotte!
charlotte.promote(to: .seniorManagement)
//months in Senior Management
charlotte.work(months: fourthDeptMonths)
In simple cases of array manipulation, the map method is a tried and true tool...
let salesPayRate: [Double] = [20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40]
var increasedPayRate = salesPayRate.map { (rate) -> Double in
return rate * 1.04
However, the above salesPayRate.map
example does not allow for multiple manipulations at regular intervals (like multiplying by 1.04 every four years / every four elements until retirement). And since the last element of the payRate arrays will be the Charlotte's stagnated pay rate for several years until retirement, if an employee worked enough years to reach the end of the pay scale I need that last pay rate to continue to increase by 4% every four years until retirement.
Is the map method the best tool for this more complex task?