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Observing progress of asynchronous work

Forums > Swift


Wonder if anyone has any insights. I've a sync process in my app, consisting of a half doezen steps, all of which need to call our to a network API and do some work.

They're running on background tasks, to not lock up the UI (some can take a while to finish).

I'd like to report the progress back to the UI -- things like; how many files actually uploaded, how many failed etc.. I'm really struggling to see an easy way to do this without having data-race warning.

Actor seems the logical choice.. but then the state is immutable (as far as I understand).. which is the opposite of what I need. An @Observable class sounds good too, but then it's @MainActor isolated and I can't fire updates from the running tasks.

Can anyone suggest an approach here?

Back in my C# days, I used IProgress<T> for this kinda thing.. I noticed their is an older Progress/NSProgress API.. but that seems more like a remnant than an option.



It wasn't an easy question... interesting! 🤔

I'm trying to learn more about the latest advances in SwiftUI and Swift concurrency. I have tried several solutions and understand that it is really clever... not easy.

Does a simple example work in your case? Or do you have a more sophisticated sync solution? I'm attaching my simple solution, so the forum has an alternative to discuss:

import SwiftUI

// In this case we need @MainActor
//If you’re only using @State for UI updates, and the ViewModel doesn’t directly manipulate the UI state on a background thread, you may not need @MainActor. However, if you’re planning to use background work in the ViewModel (such as network calls or background processing), marking the ViewModel or its relevant methods with @MainActor ensures thread-safety when updating UI-related state.
class SyncProgress {
    var filesUploaded: Int = 0
    var filesFailed: Int = 0

    func startSync() async {
        for _ in 1...10 {
            // Simulate network call
            /// Sleep function doesn't block the underlying thread.
            try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 500_000_000)
            // Now we are back to the MainActor (and MainTread)
            filesUploaded += 1

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var progress = SyncProgress()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Files Uploaded: \(progress.filesUploaded)")
            Text("Files Failed: \(progress.filesFailed)")
        .task {
            await progress.startSync()


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If your synchronization process is straightforward and doesn’t involve complex state updates, error handling, or the need for cancellation.

(Options: Actors, Combine, or AsyncStream to handle more complex synchronization scenarios and avoid concurrency issues.)

I'm sharing what I've been working on today, and am curious to follow your question. /Martin



Now I have read more about nonisolated and it is easy to use. I have made an example with class and @MainActor, as well as the nonisolated on the network function. Now we have a solution that runs the network call on a background thread and the rest on the main thread. (Without the extra code and functionality that actor implies).

Tip: Set a breakpoint in Xcode on simulateNetworkCall and one in ContentView to see how it switches between threads.

import SwiftUI

class SyncProgress: ObservableObject {
    // Published properties to update the UI
    @Published var filesUploaded: Int = 0
    @Published var filesFailed: Int = 0
    @Published var syncIsRunning: Bool = false

    // Resets the progress counters
    func resetProgress() {
        filesUploaded = 0
        filesFailed = 0
        syncIsRunning = false

    // Starts the synchronization process
    func startSync() async throws {
        syncIsRunning = true
        defer {
            // Ensure syncIsRunning is set to false when the sync finishes
            syncIsRunning = false
        var totalErrors = 0
        for i in 1...10 {
            do {
                // Simulate a network call on a background thread
                try await simulateNetworkCall(for: i)
                // Update filesUploaded on the main thread
                filesUploaded += 1
            } catch {
                // Update filesFailed on the main thread
                filesFailed += 1
                totalErrors += 1
        // Throw an error if any files failed to transfer
        if totalErrors > 0 {
            throw SyncError.filesFailed(totalErrors)

    // This method runs on a background thread
    nonisolated func simulateNetworkCall(for index: Int) async throws {
        // Simulate failure at certain iterations
        if index % 3 == 0 {
            throw URLError(.cannotConnectToHost)
        // Simulate a network call (heavy operation)
        try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.5))

enum SyncError: Error, LocalizedError {
    case filesFailed(Int)

    var errorDescription: String? {
        switch self {
        case .filesFailed(let count):
            return "\(count) files failed to transfer."

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var progress = SyncProgress()
    @State private var errorMessage: String? = nil

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Form {
                Text("Files Transferred: \(progress.filesUploaded)")
                Text("Files Failed: \(progress.filesFailed)")
                if let errorMessage = errorMessage {
                    Text("Error: \(errorMessage)")
            .toolbar {
                Button("Start Sync") { startSync() }

    func startSync() {
        Task {
            do {
                errorMessage = nil
                try await progress.startSync()
            } catch {
                errorMessage = error.localizedDescription

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I have read Paul's book on "Swift Concurrency by Example" and gained quite a new insight. (It will be interesting to read the new version that will be released shortly.)

I have edited my previous post about actors as it did not follow Paul's advice:

Do not use actors for your SwiftUI data models. You should use a class that conforms to the ObservableObject protocol instead. If needed, you can optionally also mark that class with @MainActor to ensure it does any UI work safely, but keep in mind that using @StateObject or @ObservedObject automatically makes a view's code run on the main actor. If you desperately need to be able to carve off some async work safely, you can create a sibling actor – a separate actor that does not use @MainActor, but does not directly update the UI.

Read more: Important: Do not use an actor for your SwiftUI data models

Sharing my new actor example:

import SwiftUI

// Define the progress update struct
struct ProgressUpdate {
    let filesUploaded: Int
    let filesFailed: Int

// Define the actor
actor SyncProgressActor {
    func startStream() -> AsyncThrowingStream<ProgressUpdate, Error> {
        AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
            Task {
                var filesUploaded = 0
                var filesFailed = 0
                for i in 1...10 {
                    do {
                        // Simulate failure at certain iterations
                        if i % 3 == 0 {
                            throw URLError(.cannotConnectToHost)
                        // Simulate network calls
                        try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.5))
                        filesUploaded += 1
                        continuation.yield(ProgressUpdate(filesUploaded: filesUploaded, filesFailed: filesFailed))
                    } catch {
                        filesFailed += 1
                        continuation.yield(ProgressUpdate(filesUploaded: filesUploaded, filesFailed: filesFailed))
                if filesFailed > 0 {
                    continuation.finish(throwing: SyncError.filesFailed(filesFailed))
                } else {

// Error enum
enum SyncError: Error, LocalizedError {
    case filesFailed(Int)

    var errorDescription: String? {
        switch self {
        case .filesFailed(let count):
            return "\(count) files failed to transfer."

// ViewModel
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var filesUploaded: Int = 0
    @Published var filesFailed: Int = 0
    @Published var syncIsRunning: Bool = false

    private let syncProgressActor = SyncProgressActor()

    func resetProgress() {
        filesUploaded = 0
        filesFailed = 0
        syncIsRunning = false

    func startSync() async throws {
        syncIsRunning = true
        defer {
            syncIsRunning = false

        let progressStream = await syncProgressActor.startStream()

        for try await progressUpdate in progressStream {
            self.filesUploaded = progressUpdate.filesUploaded
            self.filesFailed = progressUpdate.filesFailed

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var progress = ViewModel()
    @State private var errorMessage: String? = nil

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Form {
                Text("Files Transferred: \(progress.filesUploaded)")
                Text("Files Failed: \(progress.filesFailed)")
                if let errorMessage = errorMessage {
                    Text("Error: \(errorMessage)")
            .toolbar {
                Button("Start Sync") { startSync() }

    func startSync() {
        Task {
            do {
                errorMessage = nil
                try await progress.startSync()
            } catch {
                errorMessage = error.localizedDescription

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Have you progressed in your question How to: "Observing progress of asynchronous work"?

I didn't give many explanations to my previous posts, sorry!

Paul writes in What's new in Swift 6.0: "Swift concurrency remains a bit of a moving target, but if you'd like to know more I highly recommend Matt Massicotte's blog – I don't think anyone is doing more to educate Swift developers about effective adoption of Swift concurrency."

Can Matt's article "Concurrency Step-by-Step: A Network Request" help you further in your question?


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