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SOLVED: How to remove optional in my network service

Forums > Swift

Hi, I want to use the response data in my service, but for example when I want to access the account variable, I don't want to have to perform an unwrap like this "response.data?.account ?? Account(balance: nil").

This is my code:

class ServiceManager: Service {
    let query = Bundle.main.queryAccountValue

    func getAccount() -> Observable<Result<Account, AccountError>> {
        let accounts = BehaviorRelay<Account>(value: Account(balance: nil))

        let body = ["query": query]
        return response(body: body)
            .flatMap { response -> Observable<Result<Account, AccountError>> in

                guard response.data != nil else {
                    let error = response.errors?.timeDeposit?.first ?? AccountError(code: 10, message: "error")

                        return .just(.failure(error))
                let success = response.data?.account ?? Account(balance: nil)
                return .just(.success(success))

                // here i try use if let 
//                if let accountSuccess = response.data?.account {
//                    return .just(.success(accountSuccess))
//                }

I know I could use guard let or if let, but when I try to use it I get an error "Missing return in a closure expected to return 'Observable<Result<Account, AccountError>>'" I don't know how I can solve it.


So something like this doesn't work?

guard let data = response.data else {
    let error = response.errors?.timeDeposit?.first ?? AccountError(code: 10, message: "error")

    return .just(.failure(error))
let success = data.account
return .just(.success(success))

The reason why this:

if let accountSuccess = response.data?.account {
    return .just(.success(accountSuccess))

didn't work is because you aren't returning something if the if let fails. You have to return a value for every path through your code. Or end with a fatalError. One of the two.


Thanks very much!


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