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SOLVED: How to compute end of year totals for 401k monthly contributions?

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I currently working within Playground and macOS Command Line Tool project and am able to successfully print month-by-month contributions to a 401k account, both personal contributions and company direct contributions (not matching) dividing each between roth and traditional in accordance with user preferences. I am also able to provide COMBINED running totals (i.e. March's personal combined roth and traditional contribution total is the sum of January, February and March contributions).

The problem I am currently struggling with is computing December totals for INDIVIDUAL groups. I need to compute the Jan-through-Dec totals for each of the following SEPARATELY: personal roth, personal traditional, personal 401a, company roth, company traditional, monthly take home, and 401k excess.

There is some extraneous content within the code below as a result of my unsuccessful attempts.

let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
    roundingMode: .bankers,
    scale: 2,
    raiseOnExactness: false,
    raiseOnOverflow: true,
    raiseOnUnderflow: true,
    raiseOnDivideByZero: true

func roundToNearestPenny(percentage: Decimal, of dollarAmount: Decimal) -> Decimal

    let x = ((dollarAmount * percentage / 100) as NSDecimalNumber)
    return x.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal

enum ContributionMonth: Int, CaseIterable
    case January, February, March, April, May, June,
         July, August, September, October, November, December

    static var count:Int  { allCases.count }

struct MonthlyContributions
    var roth                : Decimal = 0
    var traditional         : Decimal = 0
    var rothCompany         : Decimal = 0
    var traditionalCompany  : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDate          : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDate401a      : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDateRoth      : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDateAll       : Decimal = 0
    var pers401a            : Decimal = 0
    var excessCompany401k   : Decimal = 0
    var sumOfPersRoth       : Decimal = 0

struct ContributionSplitInfo
    // These are static because they are shared among all employees.
    static let personal401kLimit        : Decimal = 22500.0
    static let combined401kAnnualLimit  : Decimal = 66000.0
    static let companyDirContPercentage : Decimal = 16.0

     These are provided as convenience, and because if for some reason they
     need to be individualized for each employee, that can be done without
     affecting the code that uses it.  For example, tax law could change limits,
     but existing employees might be grandfathered with the old limits.
     Similarly the company might change its matching rate for new hires, but
     not for new hires, or might have increasing matching with years of service.
    var personal401kAnnualLimit     : Decimal { Self.personal401kLimit }
    var combined401kAnnualLimit     : Decimal { Self.combined401kAnnualLimit }
    var companyDirContPercentage    : Decimal { Self.companyDirContPercentage }

    // These are stored instance properties because each employee can set them
    // differently
    var personal401kPercentage   : Decimal
    var rothPercentage           : Decimal

extension MonthlyContributions
    var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
    var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }
    var takeHome: Decimal { monthlyPay - (roth + traditional + pers401a)}
    var allPersContributions: Decimal { roth + traditional + pers401a}

    func nextMonth(pay: Decimal, using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo) -> Self
        assert(splitInfo.personal401kAnnualLimit >= 0)
        assert(splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit >= 0)
        assert(pay >= 0)

        let (personal401kContribution, prelimit401aContribution) =
        self.personal401kContribution(fromPay: pay, using: splitInfo)

        var combinedYearToDateContributions = yearToDateAll

        let personal401aContribution = clampContribution(
            whenCumulativeValue: combinedYearToDateContributions,
            exceeds: splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit

        combinedYearToDateContributions += personal401aContribution

        let company401kContribution = self.company401kContribution(
            fromPersonalContribution: personal401kContribution,
            andCombinedYearToDateContributions: &combinedYearToDateContributions,
            using: splitInfo

        let (personalTraditional, personalRoth) = split401kContribution(
            contribution: personal401kContribution,
            rothPercentage: splitInfo.rothPercentage

        let (companyTraditional, companyRoth) = split401kContribution(
            contribution: company401kContribution,
            rothPercentage: splitInfo.rothPercentage

        let excessCompany401k = excess401k(companyContribution: company401kContribution)

        let contributions = Self(
            roth              : personalRoth,
            traditional       : personalTraditional,
            rothCompany       : companyRoth,
            traditionalCompany: companyTraditional,
            yearToDate        : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
            yearToDate401a    : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
            yearToDateRoth    : yearToDate + personalRoth,
            yearToDateAll     : combinedYearToDateContributions,
            pers401a          : personal401aContribution,
            excessCompany401k : excessCompany401k,
            sumOfPersRoth     : sumOfPersRoth + personalRoth   //< added this

        assert(contributions.yearToDate <= splitInfo.personal401kAnnualLimit)
        assert(contributions.yearToDateAll <= splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit)

        return contributions

    private func sumOfContribution(
        contribution1: Decimal, contributionType: Decimal) -> Decimal
        let endOfYearTotal = contribution1 + yearToDate

        return endOfYearTotal

    private func split401kContribution(
        contribution: Decimal,
        rothPercentage: Decimal) -> (traditional: Decimal, roth: Decimal)
        let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
            percentage: rothPercentage,
            of: contribution

        return (contribution - roth, roth)

    private func personal401kContribution(
        fromPay pay: Decimal,
        using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo)
    -> (contribution: Decimal, unused: Decimal)
        let prelimitContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
            percentage: splitInfo.personal401kPercentage,
            of: pay
        let actualContribution = clampContribution(
            whenCumulativeValue: yearToDate,
            exceeds: splitInfo.personal401kAnnualLimit

        return (actualContribution, prelimitContribution - actualContribution)
    private func company401kContribution(
        fromPersonalContribution personalContribution: Decimal,
        andCombinedYearToDateContributions yearToDate: inout Decimal,
        using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo) -> Decimal
        yearToDate += personalContribution

        let companyCombinedContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
            percentage: splitInfo.companyDirContPercentage,
            of: monthlyPay

        let companyContribution = clampContribution(
            whenCumulativeValue: yearToDate,
            exceeds: splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit

        yearToDate += companyContribution

        return companyContribution

    private func excess401k(
        companyContribution: Decimal) -> Decimal
        let excess401k = companyContribution == 0 ? roundToNearestPenny(percentage: splitInfo.companyDirContPercentage, of: monthlyPay) : 0

        return excess401k

extension Array where Element == MonthlyContributions {
    subscript (index: ContributionMonth) -> Element { self[index.rawValue] }

func clampContribution(
    _                   current    : Decimal,
    whenCumulativeValue cummulative: Decimal,
    exceeds             limit      : Decimal) -> Decimal
    min(max(0, limit - cummulative), current)

func computeMonthlyContributions(
    monthlyPay          : Decimal,
    using    splitInfo  : ContributionSplitInfo) -> [MonthlyContributions]
    var contribution = MonthlyContributions()

    var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []

    for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
        contribution = contribution.nextMonth(pay: monthlyPay, using: splitInfo)

    return monthlyContributions

var monthlyPay: Decimal = 12758.0
let splitInfo =
    ContributionSplitInfo(personal401kPercentage: 100.0, rothPercentage: 10.0)

let monthlyContributions =
    computeMonthlyContributions(monthlyPay: monthlyPay, using: splitInfo)
for month in ContributionMonth.allCases
    let curContribution = monthlyContributions[month]
    print("Contribution for \(month)")
    print("    Traditional          : $\(curContribution.traditional)")
    print("    Roth                 : $\(curContribution.roth)")
    print("    Pers 401a            : $\(curContribution.pers401a)")
    print("    Company Trad         : $\(curContribution.traditionalCompany)")
    print("    Company Roth         : $\(curContribution.rothCompany)")
    print("    Pers Year-To-Date    : $\(curContribution.yearToDate)")
    print("    Combined Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDateAll)")
    print("    Company 401k Excess  : $\(curContribution.excessCompany401k)")
    print("    Take Home Pay        : $\(curContribution.takeHome)")
    print("    Total Pers Roth      : $\(curContribution.sumOfPersRoth)")


Here is what prints out:

Contribution for January
    Traditional          : $11482.2
    Roth                 : $1275.8
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $1837.15
    Company Roth         : $204.13
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $12758
    Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28
    Company 401k Excess  : $0
    Take Home Pay        : $0
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for February
    Traditional          : $8767.8
    Roth                 : $974.2
    Pers 401a            : $3016
    Company Trad         : $1837.15
    Company Roth         : $204.13
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $29598.56
    Company 401k Excess  : $0
    Take Home Pay        : $0
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for March
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $12758
    Company Trad         : $1837.15
    Company Roth         : $204.13
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $44397.84
    Company 401k Excess  : $0
    Take Home Pay        : $0
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for April
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $12758
    Company Trad         : $1837.15
    Company Roth         : $204.13
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $59197.12
    Company 401k Excess  : $0
    Take Home Pay        : $0
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for May
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $6802.88
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $5955.12
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for June
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for July
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for August
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for September
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for October
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for November
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Contribution for December
    Traditional          : $0
    Roth                 : $0
    Pers 401a            : $0
    Company Trad         : $0
    Company Roth         : $0
    Pers Year-To-Date    : $22500
    Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
    Company 401k Excess  : $2041.28
    Take Home Pay        : $12758
    Total Pers Roth      : $0

Program ended with exit code: 0

The print is accurate with exception of "Total Pers Roth."

Given the above monthly pay, personal401kPercentage and rothPercentage, the total sum of personal roth should be $2,250. The total sum of personal traditional contributions should be $20,250. The total for company roth: $816. Total for company traditional: $7348. Total for 401a: $35,335. Total for monthly take-home pay: $95,256. Total 401k excess: $16,330.


In the supplied code you never actually assign a value to it (sumOfPersRoth).

You have the variable declaration, and the print statement, but that is it.

Do you set sumOfPersRoth to a value elsewhere in your code?


I adjusted the following

 let contributions = Self(
            roth              : personalRoth,
            traditional       : personalTraditional,
            rothCompany       : companyRoth,
            traditionalCompany: companyTraditional,
            yearToDate        : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
            yearToDate401a    : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
            yearToDateRoth    : yearToDate + personalRoth,
            yearToDateAll     : combinedYearToDateContributions,
            pers401a          : personal401aContribution,
            excessCompany401k : excessCompany401k,
            sumOfPersRoth     : sumOfPersRoth + personalRoth  //< added this


This solved the issue:

struct MonthlyContributions
    var roth                : Decimal = 0
    var traditional         : Decimal = 0
    var rothCompany         : Decimal = 0
    var traditionalCompany  : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDate          : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDate401a      : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDateRoth      : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDateAll       : Decimal = 0
    var pers401a            : Decimal = 0
    var excessCompany401k   : Decimal = 0
    var sumOfPersRoth       : Decimal = 0
    var sumOfPersTrad       : Decimal = 0
    var sumOfCompRoth       : Decimal = 0
    var sumOfCompTrad       : Decimal = 0
    var sumOf401a           : Decimal = 0
    var sumOf401kExcess     : Decimal = 0
    var sumOfTakeHome       : Decimal = 0


let contributions = Self(
            roth              : personalRoth,
            traditional       : personalTraditional,
            rothCompany       : companyRoth,
            traditionalCompany: companyTraditional,
            yearToDate        : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
            yearToDate401a    : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
            yearToDateRoth    : yearToDate + personalRoth,
            yearToDateAll     : combinedYearToDateContributions,
            pers401a          : personal401aContribution,
            excessCompany401k : excessCompany401k,
            sumOfPersRoth     : sumOfPersRoth + personalRoth,
            sumOfPersTrad     : sumOfPersTrad + personalTraditional,
            sumOfCompRoth: sumOfCompRoth + companyRoth,
            sumOfCompTrad: sumOfCompTrad + companyTraditional,
            sumOf401a: sumOf401a + personal401aContribution,
            sumOf401kExcess: sumOf401kExcess + excessCompany401k,
            sumOfTakeHome: sumOfTakeHome + takeHome


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