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SOLVED: Filtering the array of structs by another array of dates

Forums > Swift

Good day, everyone! I've got some entry-level question, so don't be too harsh on me.

I'm developing iExpence example project further, and I want the sum of user spendings for a week.

I've got a struct...

struct CashItem: Identifiable, Hashable {
    let id = UUID()
    let date: Date
    let sum: Double

...and a published class.

class Money: ObservableObject {
    @Published var cash = [CashItem]()

Now, I'm trying to build a function to filter it all. In folded function I return an array of days of current week, and then I'm trying to apply it to the filtered array.

func currentWeekCash() -> Double {
        let calendar = Calendar.current
        let startOfCurrentWeek = calendar.date(from: calendar.dateComponents([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear], from: Date()))
        func getWeekDates(of startDate: Date, with calender: Calendar) -> [Date] {
            var weekDates: [Date] = []
            for i in 0..<7 {
                weekDates.append(calendar.date(byAdding: .day, value: i, to: startDate)!)
            return weekDates
        let currentWeekDates = getWeekDates(of: startOfCurrentWeek!, with: calendar)

        func targetDataArray() -> [Double] {
            let targetDataArray = money.cash.map ({ $0.sum }).filter {
                for i in currentWeekDates {
                    Calendar.current.isDate(money.cash.map ({ $0.date }), equalTo: i, toGranularity: .day)
        let targetData = targetDataArray().reduce(0.0, +)

        return targetData

Now, I've got a responce of Cannot convert value of type '[Date]' to expected argument type 'Date', which makes sense, but if I'm trying to make loop over loop, it returns me type of [()]. It makes no sense at all.

So, I'm a little completely confused.


Your problem is here:

Calendar.current.isDate(money.cash.map ({ $0.date }), equalTo: i, toGranularity: .day)

money.cash.map ({ $0.date }) converts an array of CashItems into an array of Dates.

Calendar.isDate(_:equalTo:toGranularity:) takes a single Date as its first parameter.

You are attempting to pass an array of Dates to a parameter that is expecting a single Date.

To be honest, almost all of your currentWeekCash function is really unnecessary.

  • You don't need to build an array of the current week's days because you can use Calendar.isDate(_:equalTo:toGranularity:) directly in the filter to check that your dates are in the current week.
  • You don't need a separate nested function to generate an array of targetData that you then separately call reduce(_:_:) on because you can do it all at once by chaining methods together.

So we can lose getWeekDates(of:with:) and targetDataArray() and all the stuff that goes with them.

Instead we can boil currentWeekCash down to something like this:

func currentWeekCash() -> Double {
    //for ease of use...
    let cal = Calendar.current

    //now we just get our results
    //1. filter the CashItems for dates in the current week
    //2. reduce their sums to a single Double value
    return money.cash.filter {
        //$0 will be a CashItem instance
        //so we want to get the .date property
        //and check if it's in the same week as today
        cal.isDate($0.date, equalTo: Date.now, toGranularity: .weekOfYear)
    //$0 will be the accumulated result (a Double)
    //$1 is the next CashItem in our filtered array
    .reduce(0.0) { $0 + $1.sum }

Also, it seems to me that currentWeekCash is likely a method on a SwiftUI View that calculates this data from an ObservedObject or EnvironmentObject called money. It probably should be pulled out of the View and turned into a method on the Money class instead, as it's a function of that class' data rather than anything specifically View related. A commputed property on Money might be even better.


Whoa, it really boils down to 4 lines.

Thanks a lot, gonna practice more!


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