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Chart doesn't update when there is a change in the data

Forums > Swift

I'm building an app with some charts in it. The problem what i'm running into is that one of the charts doesn't re-render/refreshes when the view reappears. It only works when you go back to the iphone home screen.

This is the chart:

struct BarMarkChartComponent: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
                .shadow(radius: 5)

            HStack {
                Chart(StatisticsArray.data) { data in
                        x: .value(StringConstants.status, data.status),
                        y: .value("Source", data.count)
                    .foregroundStyle(by: .value(StringConstants.status, data.status))
                    .annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .bottom) {
                .frame(height: 300)

This is the Array:

struct StatisticsArray: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let status: String
    var count: Int
    let color: Color

extension StatisticsArray {
    static var data: [StatisticsArray] = [
        .init(status: "On Radar", count: 0, color: Color.status.onRadar),
        .init(status: "Applied", count: 0, color: Color.status.applied),
        .init(status: "Off Site", count: 0, color: Color.status.offSite),
        .init(status: "On Site", count: 0, color: Color.status.onSite),
        .init(status: "Offer", count: 0, color: Color.status.offer),
        .init(status: "Challenge", count: 0, color: Color.status.challenge),
        .init(status: "Rejected", count: 0, color: Color.status.rejected)

This is the view where it's shown:

struct StatsView: View {

    @EnvironmentObject var vm: CoreDataViewModel

    @AppStorage("timeGoal") var currentUserTimeGoal: Date?
    @AppStorage("timeGoalDouble") var currentUserTimeGoalDouble: Double?
    @AppStorage("jobGoal") var currentUserJobGoal: Double?
    @AppStorage("contactGoal") var currentUserContactGoal: Double?
    @AppStorage("companyGoal") var currentUserCompanyGoal: Double?

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            ScrollView {
                VStack {
                    CountdownComponent(referenceDate: currentUserTimeGoal ?? Date())

            .toolbar {
                ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
                    NavigationLink {
                    } label: {
                        Image(systemName: "gear")
        .onAppear {
#warning("only works first time when opening app")
            vm.statusData() // it's called everytime the view opens

This is the function I made to update the data for the chart:

    func statusData() {
        var onradarStatus: Int = 0
        var appliedStatus: Int = 0
        var offsiteStatus: Int = 0
        var onsiteStatus: Int = 0
        var offerStatus: Int = 0
        var challengeStatus: Int = 0
        var rejectedStatus: Int = 0

        for job in jobs {
            if job.status == "On Radar" {
                onradarStatus += 1
            } else if job.status == "Applied" {
                appliedStatus += 1
            } else if job.status == "Off Site Interview" {
                offsiteStatus += 1
            } else if job.status == "On Site Interview" {
                onsiteStatus += 1
            } else if job.status == "Offer" {
                offerStatus += 1
            } else if job.status == "Challenge" {
                challengeStatus += 1
            } else if job.status == "Rejected" {
                rejectedStatus += 1

        StatisticsArray.data[0].count = onradarStatus
        StatisticsArray.data[1].count = appliedStatus
        StatisticsArray.data[2].count = offsiteStatus
        StatisticsArray.data[3].count = onsiteStatus
        StatisticsArray.data[4].count = offerStatus
        StatisticsArray.data[5].count = challengeStatus
        StatisticsArray.data[6].count = rejectedStatus

Does someone have an idea what i'm doing wrong and why?


.onAppear will only be called the first time the view appears. You could also add when a change of has happened

.onChange(of: vm.jobs) { _ in

PS not sure of the data (vm.jobs) but you know what changed


If i replace .onAppear for the code snipped you shared. I don't see any data at all. But it works when i add it to the BarMarkChartComponent and add it to the statsView. Thanks


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