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SOLVED: 401k Calculator: Unable to get "back-door-Roth" function to work properly. Seeking techniques to improve formulae

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I'm using Playground as a testing ground for code with the intention to transition in the near future to creating an iOS app.


In case the term "back-door-Roth" is unfamiliar, let me attempt to level the bubble. If, in a given calendar year, an employee contributes to their 401k up to an amount totaling the IRS contribution limit (currently $22,500 in most cases), the employee typically is restricted by law to discontinue contributions. However, an employer may offer a "back-door" option which would allow the employee to continue contributing beyond the IRS contribution limit. However those "above-the-limit" contributions are placed into a separate Roth account, often labeled a "401a" account. This employee may continue to contribute to their 401a account throughout that calendar year so long as the sum total of his/her contributions and the company's contributions do not exceed the IRS combined contribution limit (currently $66,000 in most cases).


You'll see that 401a contributions in January and February look correct (matches the excel spreadsheet) but March and on are not correct (do not match the excel spreadsheet):

import Foundation

  let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
      roundingMode: .bankers,
      scale: 2,
      raiseOnExactness: false,
      raiseOnOverflow: true,
      raiseOnUnderflow: true,
      raiseOnDivideByZero: true

  func roundToNearestPenny(percentage: Decimal, of dollarAmount: Decimal) -> Decimal

      let x = ((dollarAmount * percentage / 100) as NSDecimalNumber)
      return x.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal

  enum ContributionMonth: Int, CaseIterable
      case January, February, March, April, May, June,
           July, August, September, October, November, December

      static var count:Int  { allCases.count }

  struct MonthlyContributions
      var roth                : Decimal = 0
      var traditional         : Decimal = 0
      var pers401a            : Decimal = 0
      var rothCompany         : Decimal = 0
      var traditionalCompany  : Decimal = 0
      var yearToDate          : Decimal = 0
      var yearToDateAll       : Decimal = 0

  extension MonthlyContributions
      var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
      var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }

      func nextMonth(
          combinedAmount: Decimal,
          rothPercentage: Decimal,
          rothPercentageCompany: Decimal,
          combinedAmountCompany: Decimal
          ) -> Self
          let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
              percentage: rothPercentage,
              of: combinedAmount
          let rothCompany = roundToNearestPenny(
              percentage: rothPercentageCompany,
              of: combinedAmountCompany
          return Self(
              roth: roth,
              traditional: combinedAmount - roth,
              pers401a: combinedAmount < total ? total - combinedAmount : 0,
              rothCompany: rothCompany,
              traditionalCompany: combinedAmountCompany - rothCompany,
              yearToDate: combinedAmount + pers401a + yearToDate,
              yearToDateAll: combinedAmount + combinedAmountCompany + yearToDateAll

  extension Array where Element == MonthlyContributions {
      subscript (index: ContributionMonth) -> Element { self[index.rawValue] }

  func calculatePersCombinedContribution(
      monthlyContribution        monthly      : Decimal,
      annualContributionLimit    limit        : Decimal,
      contributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative  : Decimal) -> Decimal
      min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
  func calculate401aContribution(
      monthlyContribution         monthly     : Decimal,
      combinedContributionLimit    limit        : Decimal,
      contributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative  : Decimal) -> Decimal
      min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
  func calculateAllCombinedContribution(
      monthlyContribution             monthly : Decimal,
      annualCombinedContributionLimit limit   : Decimal,
      allContributionsSoFarThisYear   cummulative: Decimal) -> Decimal
      min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)

  func computeMonthlyContributions(
      monthlyPay            : Decimal,
      contributionPercentage: Decimal,
      companyContributionPercentage: Decimal,
      rothPercentage        : Decimal,
      contributionLimit     : Decimal,
      combinedContributionLimit: Decimal) -> [MonthlyContributions]
      assert(monthlyPay >= 0)
      assert(contributionLimit >= 0)

      var contribution = MonthlyContributions()

      var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []

      let monthlyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
          percentage: contributionPercentage,
          of: monthlyPay
      let monthlyCompanyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
          percentage: companyContributionPercentage,
          of: monthlyPay
      for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
          let combinedPersAmount = calculatePersCombinedContribution(
              monthlyContribution       : monthlyContribution,
              annualContributionLimit   : contributionLimit,
              contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDate
          let pers401Amount = calculate401aContribution(
              monthlyContribution: monthlyContribution,
              combinedContributionLimit: combinedContributionLimit,
              contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDateAll
          let combinedAllAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
              monthlyContribution             : monthlyCompanyContribution,
              annualCombinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit,
              allContributionsSoFarThisYear   : contribution.yearToDateAll
          contribution = contribution.nextMonth(
              combinedAmount: combinedPersAmount,
              rothPercentage: rothPercentage,
              rothPercentageCompany: rothPercentage,
              combinedAmountCompany: combinedAllAmount


      return monthlyContributions

  var monthlyPay            : Decimal = 12758.0
  var personal401kLimit     : Decimal = 22500.0
  var personal401kPercentage: Decimal = 100.0
  var companyContributionPercentage: Decimal = 16.0
  var roth401kPercentage    : Decimal = 10.0
  var combinedContributionLimit : Decimal = 66000.0

  let monthlyContributions = computeMonthlyContributions(
      monthlyPay            : monthlyPay,
      contributionPercentage: personal401kPercentage,
      companyContributionPercentage : companyContributionPercentage,
      rothPercentage        : roth401kPercentage,
      contributionLimit     : personal401kLimit,
      combinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit

  for month in ContributionMonth.allCases
      let curContribution = monthlyContributions[month]
      print("Contribution for \(month)")
      print("    Traditional : $\(curContribution.traditional)")
      print("    Roth        : $\(curContribution.roth)")
      print("    Pers 401a   : $\(curContribution.pers401a)")
  //    print("    Pers Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDate)")
      print("    Company Trad: $\(curContribution.traditionalCompany)")
      print("    Company Roth: $\(curContribution.rothCompany)")
      print("    Combined Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDateAll)")

The output:

Contribution for January
    Traditional : $11482.2
    Roth        : $1275.8
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28

Contribution for February
    Traditional : $8767.8
    Roth        : $974.2
    Pers 401a   : $3016
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $26582.56

Contribution for March
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $9742
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $28623.84

Contribution for April
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $30665.12

Contribution for May
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $32706.4

Contribution for June
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $34747.68

Contribution for July
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $36788.96

Contribution for December
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $46995.36

The goal is for the printouts for "Pers 401a" and "Combined Year-To-Date" monthly values to reflect the excel spreadsheet.


I have outlined the conditionals which define each month's 401a contributions in comments below and applied the comments into code, but the results are messy and inaccurate.

import Foundation

let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
    roundingMode: .bankers,
    scale: 2,
    raiseOnExactness: false,
    raiseOnOverflow: true,
    raiseOnUnderflow: true,
    raiseOnDivideByZero: true

func roundToNearestPenny(percentage: Decimal, of dollarAmount: Decimal) -> Decimal

    let x = ((dollarAmount * percentage / 100) as NSDecimalNumber)
    return x.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal

enum ContributionMonth: Int, CaseIterable
    case January, February, March, April, May, June,
         July, August, September, October, November, December

    static var count:Int  { allCases.count }

struct MonthlyContributions
    var roth                : Decimal = 0
    var traditional         : Decimal = 0
    var rothCompany         : Decimal = 0
    var traditionalCompany  : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDate          : Decimal = 0
    var yearToDateAll       : Decimal = 0
    var pers401a            : Decimal = 0

extension MonthlyContributions
    var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
    var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }

    func nextMonth(
        combinedAmount: Decimal,
        rothPercentage: Decimal,
        rothPercentageCompany: Decimal,
        combinedAmountCompany: Decimal
        ) -> Self
        let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
            percentage: rothPercentage,
            of: combinedAmount
        let rothCompany = roundToNearestPenny(
            percentage: rothPercentageCompany,
            of: combinedAmountCompany
        return Self(
            roth: roth,
            traditional: combinedAmount - roth,
            rothCompany: rothCompany,
            traditionalCompany: combinedAmountCompany - rothCompany,
            yearToDate: combinedAmount + yearToDate,
            yearToDateAll: combinedAmount + pers401a + combinedAmountCompany + yearToDateAll,
             pers401a conditionals:
             1. If the sum of the previous month's running total of personal and company contributions + this month's personal contributions is < personal401klimit ($22,500), then pers401a = 0, otherwise...
             2. If the sum of the previous month's running total of personal and company contributions >= the combined401klimit ($66,500), then pers401a = 0, otherwise...
             3. If the sum of the previous month's running total of personal and company contributions + this month's personal roth and traditional contributions < the combined401klimit ($66,500), then...
                a. if ((this month's personal roth + traditional contributions) - (sum of all previous month's peresonal roth & traditional contributions)) = 0, then pers401a = 0, otherwise...
                b. pers401a = (this month's personal roth + traditional contributions) - (sum of all previous month's peresonal roth & traditional contributions), otherwise...
             4. pers401a = combined401klimit - the sum of the previous month's running total of personal and company contributions.
                yearToDateAll + total < personal401kLimit ? 0 :
                yearToDateAll >= combinedContributionLimit ? 0 :
                yearToDateAll + total < combinedContributionLimit ?
                    (total - yearToDate) == 0 ? 0 :
                    (total - yearToDate) :
                combinedContributionLimit - yearToDateAll

extension Array where Element == MonthlyContributions {
    subscript (index: ContributionMonth) -> Element { self[index.rawValue] }

func calculateAllCombinedContribution(
    monthlyContribution          monthly    : Decimal,
    annualContributionLimit      limit      : Decimal,
    contributionsSoFarThisYear   cummulative: Decimal) -> Decimal
    min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)

func computeMonthlyContributions(
    monthlyPay                      : Decimal,
    contributionPercentage          : Decimal,
    companyContributionPercentage   : Decimal,
    rothPercentage                  : Decimal,
    contributionLimit               : Decimal,
    combinedContributionLimit       : Decimal) -> [MonthlyContributions]
    assert(monthlyPay >= 0)
    assert(contributionLimit >= 0)

    var contribution = MonthlyContributions()

    var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []

    let monthlyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
        percentage: contributionPercentage,
        of: monthlyPay
    let monthlyCompanyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
        percentage: companyContributionPercentage,
        of: monthlyPay
    for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
        let combinedPersAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
            monthlyContribution       : monthlyContribution,
            annualContributionLimit   : contributionLimit,
            contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDate
        let pers401Amount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
            monthlyContribution         : monthlyContribution,
            annualContributionLimit     : combinedContributionLimit,
            //incorporate new yearToDate401a
            contributionsSoFarThisYear  : contribution.yearToDateAll
        let combinedAllAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
            monthlyContribution         : monthlyCompanyContribution,
            annualContributionLimit     : combinedContributionLimit,
            contributionsSoFarThisYear  : contribution.yearToDateAll
        contribution = contribution.nextMonth(
            combinedAmount: combinedPersAmount,
            rothPercentage: rothPercentage,
            rothPercentageCompany: rothPercentage,
            combinedAmountCompany: combinedAllAmount


    return monthlyContributions

var monthlyPay            : Decimal = 12758.0
var personal401kLimit     : Decimal = 22500.0
var personal401kPercentage: Decimal = 100.0
var companyContributionPercentage: Decimal = 16.0
var roth401kPercentage    : Decimal = 10.0
var combinedContributionLimit : Decimal = 66000.0

let monthlyContributions = computeMonthlyContributions(
    monthlyPay            : monthlyPay,
    contributionPercentage: personal401kPercentage,
    companyContributionPercentage : companyContributionPercentage,
    rothPercentage        : roth401kPercentage,
    contributionLimit     : personal401kLimit,
    combinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit

for month in ContributionMonth.allCases
    let curContribution = monthlyContributions[month]
    print("Contribution for \(month)")
    print("    Traditional : $\(curContribution.traditional)")
    print("    Roth        : $\(curContribution.roth)")
    print("    Pers 401a   : $\(curContribution.pers401a)")
//    print("    Pers Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDate)")
    print("    Company Trad: $\(curContribution.traditionalCompany)")
    print("    Company Roth: $\(curContribution.rothCompany)")
    print("    Combined Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDateAll)")

The output:

Contribution for January
    Traditional : $11482.2
    Roth        : $1275.8
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28

Contribution for February
    Traditional : $8767.8
    Roth        : $974.2
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $26582.56

Contribution for March
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $-12758
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $28623.84

Contribution for April
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $-22500
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $17907.12

Contribution for May
    Traditional : $0
    Roth        : $0
    Pers 401a   : $0
    Company Trad: $1837.15
    Company Roth: $204.13
    Combined Year-To-Date: $-2551.6


Found a solution on StackOverflow. See the full thread here: link


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