I am setting up an ad ticker to run ad images across a window that is displayed on a second display for an app I have written.
I was able to finally get the NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup to do what I need it to do. However, now I am having a couple of issues. First, there are latent lines being left as the image scrolls (transitions) to the new origin. Secondly, the image appears to speed up as it is transitioning, and then slows. The speed appears to be directly related to the duration, which is understandable, but it starts out slow and then speeds up in the middle, then slows down a lot when the image gets to the right side of the window.
My storyboard view is set to 2200x1100.
// ViewController.swift
// Image Ticker
// Created by Thomas Carroll on 5/11/21.
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
var adFilesArray:Array<String> = []
var adImageView:Array<NSImageView> = []
var imageView:NSImageView!
var currentAd:Int = -1
var adFinished = false {
didSet {
if adFinished {
// Increment which ad to display
currentAd += 1
// If the current ad is the last ad in the array
if currentAd == adFilesArray.count {
// Reset to the first ad in the array
currentAd = 0
// Reset the observed property to true
adFinished = true
// Retrigger the showNextAd method
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// Load ad file names array and the image views
do {
adFilesArray = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "/Users/Shared/Ad Images")
for i in 0...adFilesArray.count-1 {
imageView = NSImageView(image: NSImage(byReferencingFile: "/Users/Shared/Ad Images/"+adFilesArray[i])!)
} catch {
print("Unable to retrieve images for ads.")
// Set the adFinished observed property to true to trigger the ads to begin
adFinished = true
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
func showNextAd() {
// Load the imageView
imageView = adImageView[currentAd]
// Do not set auto resize constraints
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
// Set the initial location just off the left side of the screen
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: -imageView.image!.size.width, y: 200, width: 1100, height: 700)
// Add the image view as a subview
// Begin the animation
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
//What is being animated? I want an imageView to scroll from the left (off screen) to the right (off screen)
//Indicate the duration of the animation
context.duration = 15.0
// Set the x coordinate of the origin (destination) to the screen width)
let origin = CGPoint(x: 2201, y: 200)
// Set the origin to where the image will animate (scroll) to
self.view.subviews[0].animator().frame.origin = origin
}, completionHandler: {
// Remove the subview
self.view.subviews.remove(at: 0)
// Set the observed property to true to trigger the next ad
self.adFinished = true
print("Ad number [\(self.currentAd)] completed")
How can I get the transition to be the same speed throughout, and how do I get rid of the latent lines it is leaving behind?