Which libraries you cannot go without? Here is a list of some i use almost always. If you have a workaround, post it! I would love to be pods free if possible 😎 Alamofire - https://cocoapods.org/pods/Alamofire IQKeyboardMAnagerSwift - https://cocoapods.org/pods/IQKeyboardManagerSwift SwiftDate - https://cocoapods.org/pods/SwiftDate KingFisher - https://cocoapods.org/pods/Kingfisher These are some of the main ones. Of course i am not counting FB SDK and others as for those you have no choice. Also, ReactiveKit and Bond are kind of a must for MVVM so didn't include those. :) Any fancy ones out there you know about? |
Nuke - https://github.com/kean/Nuke Can't mention KingFisher without also mentioning Nuke. Alexander is one of the most performance obsessed Swift developers out there and it shows in Nuke. From my own testing, Nuke is significantly faster when it comes to main thread performance over Kingfisher. The aggresive disk caching is also a huge plus when using image urls that you know can be cached indefinitely. |
Realm is my go to for data storage. https://cocoapods.org/pods/Realm though I am getting back in to Core Data hoping that Cloud Sync will be better. |
One of my favourites is Swinject - (https://github.com/Swinject/Swinject): Easy to use dependency injection framework |
Haptica - https://github.com/efremidze/Haptica Makes using Haptic Feadback easier, for example:
Right now I'm with @Gakkienl. I am early enough in my Swift/SwiftUI learning that I try to write everything myself. If I had a Swift(UI) job, I would be a lot more pragmatic about this. Thanks for sharing, everyone! |
Mostly, libraries are made to be generic and add more than you actually use. I aim to rely as little as possible on dependencies and attempt to do as much as I can myself. If I do need to introduce a dependency, I prefer small, single file, minimal libraries. But that's me. Do what works for you! |
@FaroukZeino Gotta checkout Haptica! I am planing to play a bit with haptics soon and if i do some more complex stuff i might need a helping hand :) @oreninit True, writing everything yourself is always best, but if all else fails or you need some help, they sure come in handy :) |
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