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SOLVED: Create URL with URLComponents - QueryItem containing "%" problem

Forums > iOS

I have a problem when query item has a symbol %: It always adds "25" after the % symbol

var components = URLComponents(string:"https://gmail.com")!
components.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "k%3", value: "val")]

print(components.queryItems!)  // Output: [k%3=val]

print(components.url!) // Output: https://gmail.com?k%253=val

from this example: How can I get https://gmail.com?k%3=val ??

Thank you in advance


Are you sure the query parameter key you are working with is k%3?

String has the property removingPercentEncoding that converts such sequences into their original characters. But if the string doesn't contain any valid percent-encoded characters it will return nil.

"https://gmail.com?k%3=val".removingPercentEncoding returns nil.

Not only that, but percent-encoded values are hex values and have 2 digits. %3 is not listed a valid value in any reference I can find. For example, %3A is : and is probably the most commonly seen code.

So, I guess what I'm saying is to check your inputs to make sure k%3 is correct.

(And, if it is actually correct, I'm curious what k%3 signifies in a gmail URL.)


Thanks for the reply.

I'm quite new in swift and in web and did not know anything about percent-encoded values. Thanks for that.

Actually, I'm not working with gmail, and key is not k%3. I just wrote that as an example. In reality, my parameter key is "filters%5Bstudio%5D". However, when I check my url, its - filters%255Bstudio%255D

I will try to get some info about percent-encoded values


Actually, I'm not working with gmail, and key is not k%3. I just wrote that as an example. In reality, my parameter key is "filters%5Bstudio%5D". However, when I check my url, its - filters%255Bstudio%255D

Ah, okay. %25 is the encoding for %. So it's encoding the % sign that is part of your already encoded parameter.

Since %5B and %5D are the codes for [ and ], you will need to use a name key like this "filters[studio]" in order for the URL to come out correct.

var components = URLComponents(string:"https://gmail.com")!
components.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "filters[studio]", value: "val")]

print(components.queryItems!) // output: [filters[studio]=val]

print(components.url!)  // output: https://gmail.com?filters%5Bstudio%5D=val


Thank you very much for you support!


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