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Gaming Buddy - discover new games for PC, PlayStation, Xbox & more with widgets

Forums > App Announcements


I am happy to introduce my new app. It grew out of SwitchBuddy, which lets Nintendo Switch games track new games. Some users and I wanted these features for all the upcoming releases.

It features a curated list of upcoming AAA games and an "Upcoming" list showing all games with announced release dates. There is also a search to find games quicker.

While this could also be used as a "games tracker" - you can mark games as favorites which makes them available for widgets, it is primarily about the upcoming games and widgets.

Gaming Buddy offers countdown widgets, "Up Next" lists favorite games that are coming out soonest, and "Calendar" widget shows the current month and games that are releasing that month.

App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/game-widgets-get-hyped/id6447783408

Feedback is more than welcome!

Game Widgets - upcoming games track, widgets


Version 1 is coming out May 24! You can "pre-order" it for free today :-)



First big update just landed 🛬

Game Widgets - discover new games, notifications


You can now set up notifications for game releases. And thats not all, you will also get a notification when your favorite game gets a release date


Purple might not be for everyone. That's ok! You can now personalize the app and widgets with themes like "Green X", "BlueStation", sunset and more.

Themable countdown widgets

The countdown widgets now have configurable background. So instead of the previous blurry background, you can choose the app theme or just "plain".

Add to calendar

Easily create calendar events for your favorite games


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happy to announce version 1.3.0 is live. 🎉 I have also renamed the app from "Game Widgets" to "GamingBuddy" to make it more clear that the main aim is discovery of new games to play and not just widgets.

New Releases

  • Easily view (and filter) newly released games in a new list

Lock Screen widgets

The Up Next and Release Countdown widgets are now also available on your Lock Screen

Various small fixes and tweaks

Gaming Buddy - new games discovery, lock screen widgets, new releases listing


Hi @nemecek-filip, I've just installed the app and it looks great. It has a nice intuitive UI and is very snappy and responsive. My only suggestion would be to make the Platform filter global across the app, rather than within the individual lists. That way the user is always presented with games which are relevant to them, right from the home screen. For example, I am only an Xbox user, and so would prefer to see only those games which are available on that platform, or are scheduled to be.


Hello @sardinepretzel, sorry for the late response - missed your reply.

I understand and it is something I will probably do in the future. Currently it is for all platforms to enable caching both on server and in the app so the games are loaded as quick as possible. I am not sure how would the Upcoming and New Releases lists work - it would probably have to be separate request that could take a bit of time to get back.


I am happy to announce new update! I initially thought I'd wait for more features that I have planned but since the OpenCritic integration was finished I decided to launch it so it can help users see how are new games rated in the press.

OpenCritic Integration

Games now display OpenCritic rating summary (if available) and list of all reviews for GamingBuddy Unlimited.

You can now quickly see how new games were rated by the critics and even read detailed reviews.

GamingBuddy opencritic scores and reviews


New update is out. I was rushing this a bit to "frontrun" the iOS 17 release and all that stuff :D

Easily share games with friends

Did you find awesome new game? You can now send link to your friends straight from GamingBuddy and they can view details without having the app.

That's it :-) "Small" feature that unlocks new ways for game discovery

GamingBuddy universal links sharing game details, iMessage preview


Exellent iOS 17 release 👌


I am busy working on GamingBuddy 2.0 and just opened public TestFlight :-)

Get it here => https://testflight.apple.com/join/Qcvvxa4r

The version will feature much better Favorites listing and brand new Reviews tab

GamingBuddy 2.0 reviews tab


Version 2.0 is finally out 🎉

Super happy to have this out as it has professional icon and not my "I need app icon quick" one. Plus other goodies:

  • Favorites on separate tab with "Up Next" queue to make sure you don't miss releases :-)

  • Brand new Reviews tab featuring recent reviews from the biggest names in gaming like IGN, GameSpot and others.

  • Featured Up Next widget for GamingBuddy Unlimited. This one shows the soonest games from "Featured" list


GamingBuddy: Find new games banner 2.0


Released a smaller update:

  • Contrast tweaks for the "Epic Gray" theme
  • Enabled "Live Text" for image gallery so you can easily create stickers from game artworks (needs iOS 17)
  • Added "What's new?" to About so you can see update history

And also wanted to announce that I have planned Black Friday deal from November 24 to November 28 :-)


The one-time purchase is 50% off until November 28th 🎉

So if you wanna get a good deal and support my efforts, now is a good time.

I will also be raising the yearly price from the "intro" $4.99 to a bit more to reflect all the new features added since launch.




I am back with another update! Version 2.1.0 makes it easy to stay up-to-date on gaming-related events like various showcases, previews, awards and similar. The new UI makes it trivial to discover which games were announced or perhaps got first ever gameplay trailer.

GamingBuddy gaming-events update


Thank you for your information. One think I tell you my friend also useing this app 🤣.


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Hello again after a bit of pause!

I have opened up a new TestFlight ✈️

The build has improved design for the Reviews and Gaming event detail screens - it also shows more info and in more logical hierarchy. Plus other minor tweaks and improvements.

And as a reminder - on TestFlight you can try the Pro version without commitment to trial :-)



GamingBuddy just leveled up! Now discover new PC, PlayStation, and Xbox games with awesome widgets like countdowns and lock screen displays. With personalized themes and notifications, it's perfect for staying hyped about upcoming releases. Gometry Dash fans, keep the rhythm going while tracking your next big game drop


Hello all!

I have recently release another big update. Version 3.2 adds list Best Games released since 2016 (thanks to OpenCritic API), ability to browse by game modes or genres, new "Activity" view for favorited games and much more.

New ways to discover games

  • Best Games: All the "Mighty" games from OpenCritic since 2016
  • Browse by Game modes and Genres (sorted by newest first)
  • View games in a franchise
  • View DLC and bundled games on detail screen
  • Details about developer/publisher + ability to view their games

 Favorites improvements

  • Ability to filter visible games by platforms
  • Icons to see which games are upcoming
  • "Activity" screen to track your game progress (days since started playing etc..)
  • Easier way to move games between categories on detail

Improved release dates info

The app now also supports other statuses like "Early Access", "Beta" etc. The detail shows releases for your platforms and you can open new detail view to view all release information.

GamingBuddy 3.2 update - best games, activtiy


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