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Colorscope - Puzzle game with shapes and mirrors

Forums > App Announcements

This is an in-between project I've worked on between actual paying projects for the past 2-3 year. The game comes with 60 free puzzles. Some things that I could only mention on this forum:

  • It's all done in SpriteKit with SKShapeNodes. A few years ago this would've been impossible since those shapenodes were quite sluggish.
  • Custom pixel shader to make the color blending and kaleidoscope effect
  • Dark mode. We can't seem to sell this feature to client work since they don't see the advantage. But we sure as hell do it in our own apps.
  • Dynamic type for accessibility. I would love to make this game available for Voice Over and maybe even Voice Control, but that's a future project perhaps.
  • Different color schemes for different kinds of color deficiencies.
  • App clip! (Check it out on colorscope.be)

It is a spiritual successor to Colorcube, which was once featured (I think 2016) as the free app of the week in the AppStore, causing it to get more than a million downloads. Alas, Apple hasn't picked up this one yet to feature, but we're shooting for it.

Available for download in the App Store

App Icon


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