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The best book for a beginner

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hi guys.. Im on day 007. And im kind of lost.. I want to buy a book to complement my learning process.. Wich Paul's book should i start with?


See --> Best Book On the Planet for learning SwiftUI

It's free!

This links to each and every article in the book.

However, if you've a bucket of shillings laying around your flat, @twostraws has assembled these articles into a downloadable book. But this will incur a nominal "I'll assemble the articles for you in a single PDF document" fee.


I bought Paul's "Hacking with IOS" ebook and like it a lot. Even though the material is the same as what is available online, it is nice to have the book. It allows me to move at my own pace without having to rewind videos and click around to find stuff. Since it is a PDF, you can use "find" to locate anything in the document. The videos also come with it and are downloadable. I loaded the mp4s for each project into individual Apple Notes on my Mac and makes it super convenient to navigate to the parts that need extra explanation. And you don't have to be online to use it.

It is working for me anyway. Good luck finding something that works for you!


Thanks guys!


@theblackbeltdev0912 I have dabbled with coding off and on for many years. I've never been paid to be a developer, but I have managed developers. Each time I get fired up to learn, I go back to fundementals, I work through the basics, and inevitably I hit some wall.

For me right now, it is Day 8 of this course. I think I know what is going on as I work the lessons, but boy is Checkpoint 4 killing me. It is sooooo intimidating. Not only do I have to use concepts taught in Day 8 and in earlier lessons but the checkpoint also asks me to figure out how to find a squareroot without using sqrt--doh!!!

I think the idea of using a book along side the youtube lessons is great and will join you in this method, but may I also suggest another trick that usually helps me?

Save your code from each lesson/day and go back to your own code to review what you did. Having your own code, full of comments from yourself will remind you of why you did what. This will be extremly helpful as you get farther along in any one topic. If you are not writing a lot of comments in your code, please start doing so. Even one day to the next, having you explain something to yourself is invaluable when trying to learn.

Good luck!


@ericmseitz Are you doing the 100 Days of SwiftUI? I'm doing the 100 Days of Swift now and am up to Day 15 but I don't see any checkpoints. I thought that the checkpoints are in 100 Days of SwiftUI but when i looked i couldn't find any. Where are the checkpoints you are referring to?



Yes, I am working through 100 days of SwiftUI.


Towards the end of that outline, step 4, you will see the checkpoint.


@Percival want to know where the 100 Days checkpoints are:

am up to Day 15 but I don't see any checkpoints. I thought that the checkpoints are in 100 Days of SwiftUI but when i looked i couldn't find any. Where are the checkpoints you are referring to?

In the 100 Days program, the checkpoints are called "Milestones". There are milestones after every major section.

Just curious. If you're new to Swift, wondering why you chose the 100 Days of Swift program, rather than the 100 Days of SwiftUI program? For a beginner, I think most folks here agree: 100 Days of SwiftUI provides a smoother introduction to building iOS apps.


Also for @Percival and @Eric

Please Post Your Progress in 100 Days Program

Please read this thread and the response from @twoStraws. See-> How to Post Progress

In short, please post your progress. However, instead of a new post for each day, you can edit your diary post!

For inspiration, see -> Vince's 100 Day Journey

And see -> Cory's 100 Day Journey

Keep coding!


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